首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Enam Medical College >Food Safety Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Chotpoti Vendors in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Food Safety Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Chotpoti Vendors in Dhaka, Bangladesh




Background: Chotpoti is a popular street food among all groups of people from low to high income in most cities of Bangladesh.Objective: This study was conducted to describe the vending sites, the stalls and equipments used for food preparation, current level of food safety knowledge of vendors and the way to prepare foods to understand the risks of food contamination and opportunities for prevention.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted between July and October, 2012. We selected 18 popular chotpoti vending sites including market places, bus stops, road sides and amusement parks located under Dhaka city corporation areas by judgment sampling. From each study site we randomly selected six vendors for interview. A structured pretested questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were collected on (i) socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the respondents; (ii) health and personal hygiene knowledge of vendors; (iii) vendors food handling practices and (iv) source of ingredients and process of chotpoti making. Location of the chotpoti vendors, utensils used, handling of food, place of preparation of chotpoti, environment surroundings of the stall, general processing of chotpoti and hygienic practices were observed and recorded through an observation checklist.Results: We interviewed a total of 110 vendors. All vendors were male, the majority was between 21 and 30 years of age. Majority (58.2%) of the vendors acquired the knowledge of chotpoti preparation through observation. Nearly all vendors (99%) handled food with bare hands, 95% did not use aprons and hair covering and 94% handled money while serving chotpoti. Most vendors had leftovers; out of those 30% reported discarding them and the rest stored them for following days sale with inappropriate storage. Nearly one-third (32.7%) of the vendors washed their utensils with dirty water which is recycled. Majority reported that they changed the bucket water only once per 12 hours. Presence of flies was observed on food and surroundings of 33% of the stalls. Of the vendors interviewed, most of them did not have garbage receptacles and 23% disposed wastes nearby their stalls and 76% disposed in nearby dustbin.Conclusion: This study demonstrates that chotpoti vendors do not have formal education and formal training on food preparation. Moreover, lack of hand hygiene knowledge, infrequent cleaning of utensils with soap, inappropriate management of leftover foods, and lack of proper waste management create numerous possibilities for food contamination. Consumption of street vended chotpoti may pose a risk of food borne diseases and steps should be taken to educate and train the vendors on personal hygiene and food handling practices.J Enam Med Col 2017; 7(2): 69-76
机译:背景:Chotpoti是孟加拉国大多数城市中低收入至高收入人群中流行的街头食品。目的:进行此项研究以描述自动售货机的地点,摊位和用于食品制备的设备,当前食品安全水平材料和方法:这项横断面研究是在2012年7月至2012年10月之间进行的。我们选择了18个热门的choppoti自动售货机地点,包括市场,通过判断抽样,确定位于达卡市公司辖区下的公交车站,路边和游乐园。我们从每个研究站点中随机选择了六个供应商进行面试。结构化的预先测试问卷用于数据收集。收集有关以下方面的数据:(i)受访者的社会经济和人口特征; (ii)供应商的健康和个人卫生知识; (iii)供应商的食品处理规范,以及(iv)chopoti制作的原料和过程。通过观察清单观察并记录了筷子供应商的位置,使用的餐具,食物的处理,筷子的制备地点,摊位的环境,筷子的一般加工和卫生习惯。结果:我们采访了110位供应商。所有供应商均为男性,大多数年龄在21至30岁之间。绝大多数(58.2%)的供应商通过观察获得了有关准备choppoti的知识。几乎所有供应商(99%)都用裸手处理食物,95%的人不使用围裙和毛发,94%的人在为choppoti服务时处理金钱。大多数供应商都有剩余货品。在这30%的受访者中,有23%的人报告将其丢弃,其余的则将它们存储起来,以供随后几天的销售,且存储空间不合适。将近三分之一(32.7%)的供应商用脏水清洗了厨具,然后将其回收利用。大多数人报告说,他们每12小时只更换一次桶装水。在33%的摊位的食物和周围环境中观察到苍蝇的存在。在接受采访的摊贩中,大多数摊贩没有垃圾桶,摊位附近有23%的垃圾被丢弃,附近垃圾箱中有76%的废物被丢弃。此外,缺乏手卫生知识,不经常用肥皂清洗器皿,对剩余食物的不当管理以及缺乏适当的废物管理,都造成了食品污染的多种可能性。街头摊贩的choppoti的消费可能造成食源性疾病的风险,应采取步骤对卖主的个人卫生和食品处理实践进行教育和培训。JEnam Med Col 2017; 7(2):69-76



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