首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care >Pre- and post-assessment of conjugated vaccine (MenAfriVac) and case-based surveillance system implementation 2010–2015, Sudan

Pre- and post-assessment of conjugated vaccine (MenAfriVac) and case-based surveillance system implementation 2010–2015, Sudan




Objective: Since 1998 seasonal epidemic meningitis has been a recurrent problem in Sudan with a variation in the severity between seasons. Mass vaccination campaign with conjugated vaccine (MenAfriVac) for Neisseria meningitidis A was implemented in Sudan since October 2012, since then case base surveillance of meningitis was implemented. The target age group was 1–30 years. Measuring of meningitis trends in three years pre and post the campaign against NmA is mandatory to assess the impact of introducing (MenAfriVac) vaccine. Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of NmA in Sudan, 2010–2015. Methods: Descriptive study using data of notable suspected meningitis cases by national surveillance system. Results: EpiInfo 7 software used to analyze the data. 2010–2012 a total of 4273 suspected cases were reported (13.08/100,000 Attack Rate (AR)) with 185 deaths (4.35% Case Fatality Rate (CFR)). The most effected Age-Group was (?
机译:目的:自1998年以来,季节性流行性脑膜炎一直是苏丹的一个经常性问题,其严重程度因季节而异。自2012年10月起在苏丹开展了针对脑膜炎奈瑟氏球菌A的结合疫苗(MenAfriVac)大规模疫苗接种运动,此后实施了脑膜炎病例库监测。目标年龄组是1–30岁。在评估抗NmA运动前后三年内必须测量脑膜炎趋势,以评估引入(MenAfriVac)疫苗的影响。目的:描述2010-2015年苏丹NmA的流行病学概况。方法:描述性研究使用国家监视系统对著名的疑似脑膜炎病例的数据进行研究。结果:EpiInfo 7软件用于分析数据。 2010–2012年,总共报告了4273例可疑病例(13.08 / 100,000发病率(AR)),其中185人死亡(4.35%病死率)。受影响最大的年龄组是(?<?5),占病例的62%,其中男性占61%,女性占39%。 NmA的阳性率为4.2%。 2013–2015 MenAfriVac之后?基于案例的监视实施;总共报告了794例疑似病例(4.5 / 100,000 AR),其中59例死亡(7.0%CFR),受影响最大的年龄组是(1-4),占随后的年龄组的40.3%(?< ?1)占病例的39.7%,男性占64%,女性占36%。 NmA阳性率为0 %,未报告确诊病例。结论:介绍MenAfriVac?事实证明,这是减少苏丹脑膜炎可疑病例总数的有效策略。



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