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Medicinal Plants in Breast Cancer Therapy




Various active compounds (or their semi-synthetic derivatives) derived from medicinal plants have been assessed for their efficacy and tolerability in the treatment of breast cancer. Some of these plant species, including Taxus baccata (paclitaxel, docetaxel), Podophyllum peltatum (etoposide), Camptotheca acuminata (camptothecin) and Vinca rosea (vinblastine, vinorelbine) have well recognized antitumour activity in breast cancer, and have been evaluated in clinical trials. For example, results from recent Phase II/III trials have established docetaxel as the most active single agent in the treatment (first or second-line) of advanced metastatic breast cancer. The treatment of breast cancer, the most common malignancy among women worldwide, remains puzzling partly due to the resistance to therapeutics, which associates with the heterogeneity of case clinical presentations, and limits in the current understanding of the pathogenesis of solid cancers. Oxidative stress is closely related to various diseases, including cancer. The human body is exposed to free radicals, which cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress may lead to gene mutations leading to carcinogenesis. Antioxidants are protector of the body, preventing oxidative stress, by stabilizing free radicals. Plants are good and cheap sources for the prevention and treatment of oxidative stress and cancer. Major drawbacks to Antioxidant from plants -based therapy and use in breast cancer are herein briefly discussed.
机译:已经评估了来自药用植物的各种活性化合物(或其半合成衍生物)在治疗乳腺癌中的功效和耐受性。这些植物中的一些,包括红豆杉(紫杉醇,紫杉醇),鬼臼(依托泊苷),喜树(喜树碱)和长春花(长春碱,长春瑞滨)在乳腺癌中具有公认的抗肿瘤活性,并且已经在临床试验中进行了评估。 。例如,最近的II / III期试验的结果已将多西他赛确立为治疗晚期转移性乳腺癌(一线或二线)中最有效的单一药物。乳腺癌是全世界女性中最常见的恶性肿瘤,其治疗仍然令人费解,部分原因是对治疗的抵抗力与病例临床表现的异质性有关,并限制了目前对实体癌发病机理的理解。氧化应激与包括癌症在内的各种疾病密切相关。人体暴露于自由基中,自由基会引起氧化应激。氧化应激可能导致导致致癌作用的基因突变。抗氧化剂通过稳定自由基来保护人体,防止氧化应激。植物是预防和治疗氧化应激和癌症的良好而廉价的来源。本文简要讨论了基于植物的治疗方法产生的抗氧化剂的主要缺点及其在乳腺癌中的用途。



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