首页> 外文期刊>Journal of computational biology >Statistically Consistent k-mer Methods for Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction

Statistically Consistent k-mer Methods for Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction




Abstract Frequencies of k-mers in sequences are sometimes used as a basis for inferring phylogenetic trees without first obtaining a multiple sequence alignment. We show that a standard approach of using the squared Euclidean distance between k-mer vectors to approximate a tree metric can be statistically inconsistent. To remedy this, we derive model-based distance corrections for orthologous sequences without gaps, which lead to consistent tree inference. The identifiability of model parameters from k-mer frequencies is also studied. Finally, we report simulations showing that the corrected distance outperforms many other k-mer methods, even when sequences are generated with an insertion and deletion process. These results have implications for multiple sequence alignment as well since k-mer methods are usually the first step in constructing a guide tree for such algorithms." /> rel="meta" type="application/atom+xml" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2015.0216" /> rel="meta" type="application/rdf+json" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2015.0216" /> rel="meta" type="application/unixref+xml" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2015.0216" /> 展开▼
机译:摘要序列中k聚体的频率有时被用作推断系统发育树的基础,而无需首先获得多序列比对。我们表明,使用k-mer向量之间的平方欧几里德距离来近似树度量的标准方法可能在统计上不一致。为了解决这个问题,我们导出了没有间隙的直系同源序列的基于模型的距离校正,这导致了一致的树推断。还从k-mer频率研究了模型参数的可识别性。最后,我们报告的模拟结果显示,即使通过插入和删除过程生成序列,校正后的距离也比许多其他k-mer方法优越。由于k-mer方法通常是构建用于此类算法的指南树的第一步,因此这些结果也对多重序列比对具有影响。“ /> <元名称=” dc.Publisher“ content =”玛丽·安·利伯特公司1080 Huguenot Street,3楼,新罗谢尔,纽约州10801美国“ /> <元名称=” dc.Date“ scheme =” WTN8601“ content =” 2017-02-01“ /> <元名称=” dc.Type“内容=“ research-article” /> <元名称=“ dc.Format” content =“文本/ HTML” /> <元名称=“ dc.Identifier” scheme =“ publisher-id” content =“ 10.1089 / cmb.2015.0216 “ /> <元名称=” dc.Identifier“ scheme =” doi“ content =” 10.1089 / cmb.2015.0216“ /> <元名称=” dc.Source“ content =” http://www.liebertpub.com/ cmb“ /> rel =“ meta” type =“ application / atom + xml” href =“ http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1089%2Fcmb.2015.0216“ /> rel = “ meta” type =“ application / rdf + json” href =“ http://dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2015.0216” /> rel =“ meta” type =“ application / unixref + xml” href =“ http://dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2015.0216” /> <元名称=“ MSSmartTagsPreventParsing” content =“ true



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