首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Sciences >An appraisal of intestinal stomas at a tertiary hospital in South Western, Nigeria

An appraisal of intestinal stomas at a tertiary hospital in South Western, Nigeria




Background: Intestinal stomas are frequently constructed as part of abdominal surgeries in our center especially for colorectal cancer (CRC). There has been no previous documentation of the experience at our tertiary center. Objective: The objective of this study is to document the indications, types, and complications of intestinal stomas in our center to make necessary recommendations. Patients and Methods: This was a retrospective descriptive study of all patients who had intestinal stomas constructed during a 4-year period. The demographic data of patients, the information on indications, types, and complications of intestinal stomas were obtained from theatre records, and case notes. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 23. Results: A total of 85 intestinal stomas were constructed during the study period. Forty-four (51.8%) were males and 41 (48.2%) females with a male-female ratio of 1.07 to 1. The common indications were large bowel obstruction due to CRC (21.2%), anastomotic dehiscence (15.3%), and rectal/sigmoid injuries (12.7%). The intestinal stomas constructed in patients included defunctioning stomas (61.2%), decompression stomas (31.8%), permanent end colostomy following abdominoperineal resection of rectum for cancer (3.5%), and palliative sigmoid colostomy (3.5%) in patients with anal cancer. Sigmoid loop was the commonest stoma, constructed in 26 patients (30.6%). The common complications were peristoma skin excoriation (53.5%), retraction (11.6%) pouch leakage (9.3%), and prolapse (9.3%). Conclusion: Malignant intestinal obstruction due to CRC was the most common indication for stoma construction at our institution. Consequently, massive health education campaign to ensure early presentation of CRC is needed to reduce the need for stoma creation.
机译:背景:在我们中心的腹部手术中,肠口气经常被构造,特别是对于结直肠癌(CRC)。我们的专上中心以前没有有关该经验的文档。目的:本研究的目的是在我们中心记录肠道造口的适应症,类型和并发症,以提出必要的建议。患者和方法:这是一项回顾性描述性研究,对所有在4年内构造了肠口气的患者进行了研究。患者的人口统计数据,有关肠口气的适应症,类型和并发症的信息均来自剧院记录和病例记录。使用SPSS 23版对数据进行分析。结果:在研究期间共构建了85个肠道气孔。男性为四十四(51.8%),女性为41(48.2%),男女之比为1.07比1。常见的适应症是因CRC引起的大肠梗阻(21.2%),吻合口裂开裂(15.3%)和直肠/乙状结肠损伤(12.7%)。患者的肠道造口包括功能失调的造口(61.2%),减压的造口(31.8%),直肠癌腹腔手术切除后的永久性结肠造口术(3.5%)和姑息乙状结肠造口术(3.5%)。乙状结肠环是最常见的造口,在26例患者中占30.6%。常见的并发症是:皮膜瘤皮肤剥脱(53.5%),回缩(11.6%)袋漏(9.3%)和脱垂(9.3%)。结论:由CRC引起的恶性肠梗阻是我们机构造口施工的最常见指征。因此,需要进行大规模的健康教育运动以确保CRC尽早出现,以减少造口的需求。



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