首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare >Integrated Pest Management of Insect Pest Population through Different Technique Strategies in Okra Agro Eco-System

Integrated Pest Management of Insect Pest Population through Different Technique Strategies in Okra Agro Eco-System




Studies on suppression of insect pest population through different technique strategies in okra eco-system” was evaluated at experimental area of Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam during the kharif season of 2013. The results were revealed the in the case of IPM set-I. The seasonal population of insect pests total mean thrip (0.14 ± 0.03/leaf), jassid (1.10±0.24/leaf), whitefly (2.38±0.38/leaf), aphid (0.15 ±0.01/leaf) and spotted bollworm (0.57±0.04/plant) was recorded under the conditions of set I on okra crop. However, beneficial insects spider (3.19±0.07/plant), seven spotted beetle (0.31±0.07/plant), eleven spotted beetle (0.03±0.01/plant) and zigzag beetle (0.56±0.01/plant) was recorded on okra crop in the set I strategy. The results further indicated that in case of IPM set-II the insect pests and beneficial insects were recorded. Total mean population of thrips (2.27±0.32/leaf), Jassid (1.33±0.26/leaf), Whitefly (3.58± 0.63/leaf), aphid (2.59± 0.41/leaf) and spotted bollworm (1.45± 0.25/plant) was recorded in under the case of IPM set II on okra crop. However, the beneficial insect population such as, spider (3.84±0.68/plant), seven spotted beetle (0.72±0.14/plant), eleven spotted beetle (0.26±0.07/plant) and zigzag beetle (0.93±0.19) was recorded in set II. However, the results depicted, under IPM practices Set-III ( untreated or control) the insect pests and benifical insects was recorded. The population of sucking insect pest thrip (5.13±0.30/leaf), jassid (4.57± 0.20/leaf), whitefly (17.79± 0.78/leaf), aphid (1.8o± 0.05) and (2.48± 0.07/plant) was recorded in under the case of IPM set III. However, the benifical insect population such as, seven spotted beetle (2.89± 0.03/plant), eleven spotted beetle (1.18± 0.04/plant), zig zag beetle (0.68± 0.03/plant) was also recorded in under the case of IPM set III. The results showed that IPM Set-I found superior in relation to IPM set-II, as compared IPM set III on okra eco-system. However, in set I okra trap with maize crop, release of natural enemies and spray of neem leaf extract with neem oil product caused greater reduction of insect pests as compared IPM set II, okra trapped with sunflower, marigold, and spray of only neem leaf extract. While the population of beneficial insects was more in IPM set III on okra crop due to more population of insect pests. Keywords: Okra, Intercropping, Insects pests, Predators, Neem.
机译:在信德省农业大学Tandojam的实验区,于2013年的卡里夫季节评估了通过秋葵生态系统中不同技术策略抑制害虫种群的研究。结果在IPM set-I的情况下得到了揭示。害虫的季节性种群的总平均蓟马(0.14±0.03 /叶),j(1.10±0.24 /叶),粉虱(2.38±0.38 /叶),蚜虫(0.15±0.01 /叶)和斑点的棉铃虫(0.57±0.04) (/植物)是在秋葵作物的I组条件下记录的。然而,在秋葵的黄秋葵作物上记录了有益的昆虫蜘蛛(3.19±0.07 /植物),七斑甲虫(0.31±0.07 /植物),十一斑甲虫(0.03±0.01 /植物)和之字形甲虫(0.56±0.01 /植物)。我制定的策略。结果进一步表明,在IPM组​​II的情况下,记录了害虫和有益昆虫。蓟马的平均总种群为(2.27±0.32 /叶),贾西德(1.33±0.26 /叶),粉虱(3.58±0.63 /叶),蚜虫(2.59±0.41 /叶)和斑点的棉铃虫(1.45±0.25 /叶)为在黄秋葵的IPM组II记录下。但是,记录到了有益的昆虫种群,例如蜘蛛(3.84±0.68 /植物),七斑甲虫(0.72±0.14 /植物),十一斑甲虫(0.26±0.07 /植物)和之字形甲虫(0.93±0.19)。设置二。但是,根据IPM惯例III(未经处理或对照)记录的结果记录了害虫和良性昆虫。记录了吸吮虫害蓟马的数量(5.13±0.30 /叶),j(4.57±0.20 /叶),粉虱(17.79±0.78 /叶),蚜虫(1.8o±0.05)和(2.48±0.07 /植物)。在IPM第三组的情况下。但是,在IPM的情况下,也记录了七种斑点甲虫(2.89±0.03 /植物),十一种斑点甲虫(1.18±0.04 /植物),之字形甲虫(0.68±0.03 /植物)等害虫种群。第三集。结果表明,与秋葵生态系统中的IPM set III相比,IPM Set-I相对于IPM set-II具有更好的性能。但是,与IPM组II相比,在IPM第II组中,用向日葵,万寿菊和仅对印ne叶进行喷雾的IPM组II与玉米作物相比,在I组中用玉米作物制成的秋葵陷阱,释放天敌并用印and油产品喷雾印ne叶提取物可导致更大的害虫减少提取。由于秋葵作物的害虫数量增加,因此在秋葵的IPM第III组中,有益昆虫的数量更多。关键词:秋葵,间作,害虫,捕食者,印Ne。



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