首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons >Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections in Children in Intensive Care Unit: Organisms, Sources, Their Sensitivity Pattern and Outcome of Treatment

Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections in Children in Intensive Care Unit: Organisms, Sources, Their Sensitivity Pattern and Outcome of Treatment




Background: Nosocomial bloodstream infection in paediatric ICU is a leading, preventable infectious complication in critically ill patients and has a negative impact on patient’s outcome. This study was done to determine the type of pathogens responsible for nosocomial infections and its sensitivity pattern, to evaluate the probable sources (fomites) of nosocomial infections and also to compare the outcome of treatment between children with and without nosocomial bloodstream infections in terms of length of ICU stay and mortalityMaterial and methods: This study was conducted in the intensive care unit of Dhaka Shishu(children) hospital. Children between 0-5 years of age were included in the study. Blood culture positive case at the time of admission and Children discharged or died within 48 hours of admission were excluded. When children clinically suspected to have nosocomial infections, their blood culture and swab culture of probable sources were done.Results: Out 110 patients, 23(20.9%) patients developed nosocomial BSI. Neonates were found to be more susceptible to develop nosocomial BSI. Most of the organisms (86%) were Gram negative bacilli. Klebsiella was the most common pathogens (30.78%) followed by acinatobacter (21.73%), E-coli (13.04%), Pseudomonas (8.7%). Type of micro-organisms and their sensitivity pattern obtained from blood culture and sources culture of corresponding patient were almost similar which indicate the clue for probable source of nosocomial infection. Microorganisms were almost sensitive to Imipenem but there were high resistance to commonly used antibiotics including third generation cephalosporins. ICU acquired infections increase hospital mortality and duration of hospital stay.Conclusion: Nosocomial bloodstream infections in children in ICU are associated with high mortality rate and prolong hospital stay. Neonates are more susceptible to develop nosocomial BSI than children aged above 28 days. Gram negative organisms are predominant isolates and are developing resistance to commonly used antibiotics including third generation cephalosporin. Imipenem is the most effective and reliable antibiotic option. Fomites especially health care device including IV canula, suction catheter, endotracheal tubes, oxygen mask are the important probable sources of nosocomial infections.J Bangladesh Coll Phys Surg 2017; 35(3): 115-122
机译:背景:小儿加护病房的医院血液感染是重症患者的主要,可预防的感染性并发症,对患者的结局具有负面影响。这项研究的目的是确定造成医院感染的病原体类型及其敏感性模式,评估医院感染的可能来源(人烟),并从长度上比较有和没有医院血流感染的儿童之间的治疗结果ICU住院时间和死亡率的资料和方法:这项研究是在达卡石叔儿童医院的重症监护室进行的。 0-5岁的儿童包括在研究中。入院时血培养阳性病例和入院后48小时内出院或死亡的儿童被排除在外。当临床上怀疑有医院感染的儿童时,应进行其血培养和可能的来源拭子培养。结果:110例患者中,有23例(20.9%)患上了医院BSI。发现新生儿更容易发生医院内BSI。大多数生物(86%)是革兰氏阴性杆菌。克雷伯菌是最常见的病原体(30.78%),其次是不动杆菌(21.73%),大肠杆菌(13.04%),假单胞菌(8.7%)。从相应患者的血液培养和来源培养获得的微生物类型及其敏感性模式几乎相似,这为可能的医院感染来源提供了线索。微生物几乎对亚胺培南敏感,但对包括第三代头孢菌素在内的常用抗生素有很高的抵抗力。结论:ICU患儿的医院血流感染与高死亡率和延长住院时间有关。新生儿比28天以上的儿童更容易发生医院内BSI。革兰氏阴性菌是主要的分离物,并且对包括第三代头孢菌素在内的常用抗生素产生抗药性。亚胺培南是最有效,最可靠的抗生素选择。可能是医院感染的重要可能来源,尤其是静脉输液导管,抽吸导管,气管内导管,氧气面罩等医疗设备是重要的可能来源.J Bangladesh Coll Phys Surg 2017; 35(3):115-122



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