
Ruptured Uterus in Primiparous Women




Ruptured uterus is rare in developed country, but unfortunately it is common in a developing country like Bangladesh. It is one of the major obstetric emergencies. Rupture of unscarred uterus is uncommon event. Majority of the patients are multigravidae and in primipara it extremely rare. But in a tertiary referral hospital it is sometime seen. Four cases of ruptured uterus in primiparous patients are described. These patients were admitted as emergency cases in obstetrics and gynaecology department of Dhaka Medical College Hospital during the period 2000 -2001. These are due to injudicious use of oxytocin, obstructed labour due to hydrocephalus, cephalopelvic disproportion due to maternal kyphoscoliosis and road traffic accident in third trimester of pregnancy. DOI: 10.3329/jbcps.v28i1.4643 J Bangladesh Coll Phys Surg 2010; 28: 45-48
机译:子宫破裂在发达国家很少见,但不幸的是在像孟加拉国这样的发展中国家很常见。它是主要的产科紧急情况之一。子宫未瘢痕破裂是罕见的事件。多数患者是多胎科,在初产妇中极为罕见。但是在一家三级转诊医院中有时会看到这种情况。描述了四例初产子宫破裂的病例。这些患者在2000年至2001年期间被达卡医学院附属医院的妇产科急诊。这些是由于不当使用催产素,因脑积水导致的产程障碍,由于孕妇的后凸畸形而导致的头盆骨比例失调以及妊娠晚期的道路交通事故。 DOI:10.3329 / jbcps.v28i1.4643 J Bangladesh Coll Phys Surg 2010; 28:45-48



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