首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied science & environmental management: JASEM >A Study on the Acute Toxicological Effects of Commercial Diesel Fuel in Nigeria in Rats ( Ratus ratus .) using Hematological Parameters.

A Study on the Acute Toxicological Effects of Commercial Diesel Fuel in Nigeria in Rats ( Ratus ratus .) using Hematological Parameters.

机译:使用血液学参数研究商品柴油在尼日利亚对大鼠(ratus ratus。)的急性毒理作用。



The acute toxicology effect of diesel fuel in rats using hematological parameters was investigated. Five groups of rats consisting of ten rats per group, all of 0.2kg average body weight were used for the study. Four doses (65/kg; 87 g/kg; 209; g/kg; 131 g/kg) of diesel fuel were administered intraperitoneally, into the rats and the effect monitored within 24hours. The following hematological parameters ( Haemoglobin concentration, palled cell volume, white blood cell count) and enzyme (Aspartate/ alamine aminotransferases and alkaline phosphatase) levels were monitored. Results indicated a decrease in haemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume and white blood cell count with increase in dose levels of diesel fuel in the rates. Conversely, there was an increase in serum enzyme levels with increase in dose of diesel fuel. The results indicate possible aplastic anaemia in the rat being in the rats being induced by administration of diesel fuel. Furthermore, the enzyme analysis results suggested a possible hepatotoxic effect of diesel fuel in the rat. @ JASEM
机译:利用血液学参数研究了柴油对大鼠的急性毒理作用。研究使用五组大鼠,每组十只大鼠,平均体重均为0.2kg。腹膜内向大鼠腹腔注射四剂(65 / kg; 87 g / kg; 209; g / kg; 131 g / kg)柴油,并在24小时内监测效果。监测以下血液学参数(血红蛋白浓度,苍白细胞体积,白细胞计数)和酶(天冬氨酸/丙胺转氨酶和碱性磷酸酶)水平。结果表明血红蛋白浓度,堆积细胞体积和白细胞计数随柴油剂量剂量水平的增加而降低。相反,随着柴油剂量的增加,血清酶水平增加。结果表明在大鼠中可能是通过给予柴油燃料诱发的大鼠再生障碍性贫血。此外,酶分析结果表明,柴油对大鼠可能具有肝毒性作用。 @ JASEM



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