首页> 外文期刊>Japanese Clinical Medicine >Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Patients with Abnormal Glucose Tolerance during Pregnancy: A Case Series

Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Patients with Abnormal Glucose Tolerance during Pregnancy: A Case Series




Abnormal glucose tolerance during pregnancy is associated with perinatal complications. We used continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in pregnant women with glucose intolerance to achieve better glycemic control and to evaluate the maternal glucose fluctuations. We also used CGM in women without glucose intolerance (the control cases). Furthermore, the standard deviation (SD) and mean amplitude of glycemic excursions (MAGE) were calculated for each case. For the control cases, the glucose levels were tightly controlled within a very narrow range; however, the SD and MAGE values in pregnant women with glucose intolerance were relativity high, suggesting postprandial hyperglycemia. Our results demonstrate that pregnant women with glucose intolerance exhibited greater glucose fluctuations compared with the control cases. The use of CGM may help to improve our understanding of glycemic patterns and may have beneficial effects on perinatal glycemic control, such as the detection of postprandial hyperglycemia in pregnant women.
机译:怀孕期间葡萄糖耐量异常与围产期并发症有关。我们对患有葡萄糖耐量不全的孕妇使用了连续血糖监测(CGM),以实现更好的血糖控制并评估孕妇的血糖波动。我们还对没有葡萄糖耐量的女性使用了CGM(对照组)。此外,还针对每种情况计算了标准差(SD)和血糖波动的平均幅度(MAGE)。对于对照病例,将葡萄糖水平严格控制在非常窄的范围内。但是,糖耐量异常的孕妇的SD和MAGE值相对较高,提示餐后高血糖。我们的结果表明,与对照组相比,患有葡萄糖耐量异常的孕妇表现出更大的葡萄糖波动。 CGM的使用可能有助于增进我们对血糖模式的了解,并且可能对围产期血糖控制产生有益的影响,例如孕妇的餐后高血糖检测。



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