首页> 外文期刊>Jornal de Pediatria >Improvement of autism spectrum disorder symptoms in three children by using gastrin-releasing peptide a?? , a??a??

Improvement of autism spectrum disorder symptoms in three children by using gastrin-releasing peptide a?? , a??a??




Objective: To evaluate the safety, tolerability and potential therapeutic effects of gastrin-releasing peptide in three children with autistic spectrum disorder. Methods: Case series study with the intravenous administration of gastrin-releasing peptide in the dose of 160 pmol/kg for four consecutive days. To evaluate the results, parental impressions the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) and the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) Scale. Each child underwent a new peptide cycle after two weeks. The children were followed for four weeks after the end of the infusions. Results: The gastrin-releasing peptide was well tolerated and no child had adverse effects. Two children had improved social interaction, with a slight improvement in joint attention and the interaction initiatives. Two showed reduction of stereotypes and improvement in verbal language. One child lost his compulsion to bathe, an effect that lasted two weeks after each infusion cycle. Average reduction in CARS score was 2.8 points. CGI was "minimally better" in two children and "much better" in one. Conclusions: This study suggests that the gastrin-releasing peptide is safe and may be effective in improving key symptoms of autism spectrum disorder, but its results should be interpreted with caution. Controlled clinical trials-randomized, double-blinded, and with more children-are needed to better evaluate the possible therapeutic effects of gastrin-releasing peptide in autism.
机译:目的:评价3例自闭症谱系障碍患儿胃泌素释放肽的安全性,耐受性和潜在治疗效果。方法:病例系列研究以连续四天的时间静脉内给予胃泌素释放肽,剂量为160 pmol / kg。为了评估结果,父母给他们留下了儿童自闭症评分量表(CARS)和临床整体印象(CGI)量表。每个孩子在两周后经历一个新的肽循环。输液结束后,对儿童进行了四个星期的随访。结果:释放胃泌素的肽耐受性良好,没有孩子有不良反应。两个孩子的社交互动得到了改善,在共同关注和互动活动方面有了一点改善。其中两个显示出刻板印象的减少和口头语言的改善。一个孩子失去了冲凉的冲动,这种效果在每个输液周期后持续了两周。 CARS分数平均下降2.8分。 CGI在两个孩子中“至少好一点”,在一个孩子中“好得多”。结论:这项研究表明,释放胃泌素的肽是安全的,并且可能有效地改善自闭症谱系障碍的主要症状,但应谨慎解释其结果。为了更好地评估胃泌素释放肽在自闭症中的可能治疗效果,需要进行随机,双盲和更多儿童的对照临床试验。



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