首页> 外文期刊>JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings >Minimax Optimal Bayes Mixtures for Memoryless Sources over Large Alphabets

Minimax Optimal Bayes Mixtures for Memoryless Sources over Large Alphabets




The normalized maximum likelihood (NML) distribution achieves minimax log loss and coding regret for the multinomial model. In practice other nearly minimax distributions are used instead as calculating the sequential probabilities needed for coding and prediction takes exponential time with NML. The Bayes mixture obtained with the Dirichlet prior $operatorname{Dir}(1/2, …, 1/2)$ and asymptotically minimax modifications of it have been widely studied in the context of large sample sizes. Recently there has also been interest in minimax optimal coding distributions for large alphabets. We investigate Dirichlet priors that achieve minimax coding regret when the alphabet size $m$ is finite but large in comparison to the sample size $n$. We prove that a Bayes mixture with the Dirichlet prior $operatorname{Dir}(1/3, …, 1/3)$ is optimal in this regime (in particular, when $m > rac{5}{2} n + rac{4}{n - 2} + rac{3}{2}$). The worst-case regret of the resulting distribution approaches the NML regret as the alphabet size grows.
机译:归一化最大似然(NML)分布实现了多项模型的极小对数损失和编码遗憾。在实践中,使用其他接近极小极大的分布代替,因为使用NML计算编码和预测所需的顺序概率需要花费指数时间。在大样本量的情况下,已经广泛研究了用Dirichlet之前的 operatorname {Dir}(1/2,…,1/2)$及其渐近极小极大修改获得的贝叶斯混合物。最近,对于大字母的最小最大最优编码分布也引起了兴趣。我们研究当字母大小$ m $是有限的但与样本大小$ n $相比较大时实现最小极大编码的Dirichlet先验。我们证明在这种情况下,贝叶斯与Dirichlet之前的$ operatorname {Dir}(1/3,…,1/3)$的混合是最佳的(特别是当$ m> frac {5} {2} n时) + frac {4} {n-2} + frac {3} {2} $)。随着字母表大小的增加,最终分布的最坏情况后悔接近NML后悔。



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