首页> 外文期刊>JK Science : Journal of Medical Education & Research >Comparison of Different Volumes of Normal Saline for Epidural Volume Extension in Combined Spinal Epidural Anesthesia for Lower Abdominal Surgeries

Comparison of Different Volumes of Normal Saline for Epidural Volume Extension in Combined Spinal Epidural Anesthesia for Lower Abdominal Surgeries




Context: Block augmentation by epidural volume extension has been adequately documented but therehave been not enough studies comparing different volumes of normal saline used in this technique toaugment the level of block achieved. The study compares different volumes of normal saline(5,10 and 20ml) for epidural volume extension in combined spinal epidural anaesthesia for lower abdominal surgeries.120 women, aged between 20-60 years belonging to ASA grade I-II undergoing elective lower abdominalsurgeries were included in this study. The patients were randomly allocated into 3 groups and each groupcomprised of 40 patients. GROUP 1(EVE 5) received 10 mg 0.5% bupivacaine heavy (H) intrathecallywith 5 ml normal saline through the epidural catheter as a part of Epidural volume extension. GROUP 2(EVE10) and GROUP 3 (EVE20) received 10 ml and 20 ml of normal saline as a part of Epidural volumeextension respectively in addition to the intrathecal drug. The patients were assessed for sensory blocklevel to loss of pain from pin prick and for motor block using Bromage scale. Peak sensory block height,highest Bromage score, time taken to achieve maximum sensory and motor block and the time to theirrecovery were recorded.Statstical Analysis. was done using statistical software SSPS version 16.0 andEpi- info version 6.0 .Outcome measures were presented as % for qualitative variables and mean±SD forquantitative variables.Demographic data and duration of surgery were similar in all the groups.Sensoryblock augmentation was found to be significantly higher in the EVE10 and EVE 20 groups. There was nodifference in the peak motor block score between the groups during the study. Time to achieve the blockswere significantly shorter for the 20 ml group than the 10 and 5 ml groups; the latter two being comparable.This was associated with a significantly faster motor recovery to Bromage 0 in groups EVE10 and EVE20.
机译:背景:硬膜外容积扩张阻滞剂的增加已有充分文献记载,但尚无足够的研究比较这种技术中使用的不同体积的生理盐水以增强阻滞剂的水平。该研究比较了不同剂量的生理盐水(5,10和20ml)进行硬膜下硬膜外联合麻醉用于下腹部手术的硬膜外容积扩展.120名年龄在20至60岁之间的ASA I-II级女性接受了选择性下腹部手术包括在这项研究中。将患者随机分为3组,每组40例。第1组(EVE 5)通过硬膜外导管鞘内注射10 mg 0.5%布比卡因重(H),并通过硬膜外导管接受5 ml生理盐水,作为硬膜外容量扩展的一部分。除鞘内注射药物外,第2组(EVE10)和第3组(EVE20)分别接受10毫升和20毫升生理盐水作为硬膜外容积扩张的一部分。使用Bromage量表评估患者的感觉障碍水平,针刺疼痛消失以及运动障碍。记录最高感觉阻滞高度,最高Bromage得分,达到最大感觉阻滞和运动阻滞所需的时间以及恢复其所需的时间。统计分析。使用统计软件SSPS 16.0版和Epiinfo 6.0版进行。结果测量以定性变量的百分比表示,均值±SD的定量变量。所有组的人口统计学数据和手术时间相似。在EVE10和EVE 20组中更高。在研究过程中,两组之间的运动阻滞峰值没有差异。 20 ml组比10 ml组和5 ml组达到阻滞的时间显着缩短。后两个具有可比性。这与EVE10和EVE20组的运动恢复至Bromage 0的速度明显加快有关。



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