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Grégory Berhuy, Giordano Favi




In these notes we develop a systematic study of the essential dimension of functors. This approach is due to A. Merkurjev and can be found in his unpublished notes cite{Me}. The notion of essential dimension was earlier introduced for finite groups by J. Buhler and Z. Reichstein in cite{BR} and for an arbitrary algebraic group over an algebraically closed field by Z. Reichstein in cite{Re}. This is a numerical invariant depending on the group $G$ and the field $k$. This number is denoted by $ed_k(G)$. In this paper we insist on the behaviour of the essential dimension under field extension $k'/k$ and try to compute $ed_k(G)$ for {it any} $k$. This will be done in particular for the group $Z$ when $nleq5$ and for the circle group. Along the way we define the essential dimension of functor with versal pairs and prove that all the different notions of essential dimension agree in the case of algebraic groups. Applications to finite groups are given. Finally we give a proof of the so-called homotopy invariance, that is $ed_k(G)=ed_{k(t)}(G)$, for an algebraic group $G$ defined over an infinite field $k$.
机译:在这些说明中,我们对函子的基本维度进行了系统的研究。这种方法归功于A. Merkurjev,可以在他未发表的笔记 cite {Me}中找到。本质维的概念由J. Buhler和Z. Reichstein在 cite {BR}中引入了有限群,而Z. Reichstein在 cite {Re}中则引入了代数闭域上的任意代数群。这是一个数值不变量,取决于组$ G $和字段$ k $。该数字由$ ed_k(G)$表示。在本文中,我们坚持在字段扩展$ k'/ k $下的基本维的行为,并尝试为{ it any} $ k $计算$ ed_k(G)$。特别是对于$ n leq5 $时的组$ Z / n $和圈子组。在此过程中,我们用对对定义函子的基本维,并证明在代数群的情况下,所有不同的基本维概念都相同。给出了对有限群的应用。最后,我们给出了在无限域$ k $上定义的代数组$ G $的所谓同伦不变性的证明,即$ ed_k(G)= ed_ {k(t)}(G)$ 。



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