
Identification of antioxidant activity of bark of Aegle Marmelos




To identify potent antioxidant molecule in chloroform extract of bark of Aegle marmelos. Bark of Aegle marmelos was collected and subjected for chloroform extract. TLC was run having solvent system of Chloroform/Methanol (5:1), and subjected for on exposure to iodine and to DPPH. Further the extract was subjected for column chromatography. The fractions were subjected for identification of antioxidant activity by dot blot assay. The fractions showed activity was pooled together and subjected for GC-MS analysis. A band with Rf value of 0.87 was found to show antioxidant activity. Fraction 2 to 5 was found to show antioxidant activity and these fractions were pooled together and subjected for GC-MS analysis. GC-MS revealed the presence of seven major compounds responsible for antioxidant activity. Thus potent antioxidant molecule present in the extract was identified through TLC bioautography followed with GC-MS analysis.
机译:鉴定Aegle marmelos树皮的氯仿提取物中有效的抗氧化剂分子。收集Aegle marmelos的树皮并进行氯仿提取。使用具有氯仿/甲醇(5:1)的溶剂系统进行TLC,并使其暴露于碘和DPPH。进一步将提取物进行柱色谱分离。对这些级分进行斑点印迹分析以鉴定抗氧化剂活性。将显示出活性的级分汇集在一起​​,并进行GC-MS分析。发现Rf值为0.87的条带显示抗氧化活性。发现级分2至5显示出抗氧化活性,并将这些级分合并在一起进行GC-MS分析。 GC-MS显示存在七种主要化合物,这些化合物负责抗氧化活性。因此,通过TLC生物自显影,然后进行GC-MS分析,可以确定提取物中存在的有效抗氧化剂分子。



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