首页> 外文期刊>Dental Journal: Majalah Kedokteran Gigi >The effect of peer support education on dental caries prevention behavior in school age children at age 10-11 years old

The effect of peer support education on dental caries prevention behavior in school age children at age 10-11 years old




Background: Dental caries is an infectious disease and it is preceded by a progressive demineralization in hard tissue surface of the crown. Dental caries is one of the most common diseases that experienced by school-age children. Health education on the prevention of dental caries and peer support education method can improve the behavior of caries prevention. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of peer support education on dental caries prevention behavior in children of school age. Method: This study is a quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest control group design. The sampling technique is simple random sampling. The study was conducted in SDN Bandulan 3 Sukun Malang with 35 respondents (experimental group) and in SDN Bandulan 2 Sukun Malang with 35 respondents (control group). The experimental group was treated using peer support education while the control group was given health education with the lecture method. The data of student’s dental caries prevention behavior (knowledge and attitudes) is obtained through a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using paired t-test and independent t-tests with significant p value <0.05. Result: The results showed the average score of knowledge in the experimental group at 20.48 and knowledge among respondents in the control group amounted to 18.02, and the average total score of the attitude of the respondents in the experimental group at 20.08 and in control group of 17.77. Results of independent t test analysis test that there is a significant difference in the average scores of knowledge and attitudes of respondents in the experimental group and the control group (p value 0.000, <0.05). Conclusion: Health education with peer support education method is effective in improving dental caries prevention behavior in children at school age.
机译:背景:龋齿是一种传染性疾病,在冠状硬组织表面进行性脱矿质之前。龋齿是学龄儿童最常见的疾病之一。预防龋齿的健康教育和同伴支持教育方法可以改善龋齿的预防行为。目的:本研究旨在确定同伴支持教育对学龄儿童预防龋齿行为的影响。方法:本研究是一个准实验设计,包括测试前和测试后的对照组。采样技术是简单的随机采样。该研究在SDN Bandulan 3 Sukun Malang(35名受访者)(实验组)和SDN Bandulan 2 Sukun Malang(35名受访者)中进行。实验组接受同伴支持教育,对照组接受健康教育。学生的龋齿预防行为(知识和态度)数据是通过问卷调查获得的。使用配对t检验和独立t检验对数据进行分析,p值均显着<0.05。结果:结果显示,实验组的知识平均得分为20.48,对照组的受访者的知识平均得分为18.02,实验组和对照组的受访者态度的平均总得分为20.08。 17.77。独立的t检验分析结果表明,实验组和对照组的受访者的知识和态度的平均得分之间存在显着差异(p值0.000,<0.05)。结论:同伴支持教育方式的健康教育可以有效地改善学龄儿童的龋齿预防行为。



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