首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >The iconic significance of the Psalms as a literary genre for speaking about God: A phenomenological perspective

The iconic significance of the Psalms as a literary genre for speaking about God: A phenomenological perspective




To explore the impossible impossibility of speaking about God and to address, on the one hand, the unacceptable modernistic rational robe of totalisation and the return of the subject in postmodern contexts, on the other, this article pursued the phenomenological approach of Jean-Luc Marion's hermeneutic of the icon. His approach is connected in a creative manner to the literary ‘eyes' of the Psalter, focusing on the distinction of idol–icon by Marion in his understanding of the gaze of the worshipper and the subsequent conceptualisation of the infinite God in finite human terms. It was finally argued that the literary genre of the Psalter, viewed from a hermeneutic of the icon, presents not only an exciting perspective on the threshold of the ‘[im-]possible' for speaking about God, but also on the return of the subject in the broadened horizon of the ‘unsayable' and ‘unrepresentable'.
机译:为了探讨不可能谈论上帝的可能性,并一方面解决无法接受的现代理性的总体化长袍以及后现代语境中主题的回归,另一方面,本文采用了让·卢克·马里昂(Jean-Luc Marion)的现象学方法。图标的解释。他的方法以创造性的方式与诗篇的文学“眼睛”相关联,着重于马里昂在他对崇拜者注视的理解以及随后对人类的无限神化概念上对偶像偶像的区分。最终有人争辩说,从圣像的诠释学角度来看,诗篇的文学体裁不仅对谈论上帝的“不可能”门槛提出了令人振奋的观点,而且也提出了对圣歌的回归。主题是“无法说”和“无法代表”的广阔视野。



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