首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Influences on flood frequency distributions in Irish river catchments

Influences on flood frequency distributions in Irish river catchments




This study explores influences on flood frequency distributions in Irishrivers. A Generalised Extreme Value (GEV) type I distribution is recommendedin Ireland for estimating flood quantiles in a single site flood frequencyanalysis. This paper presents the findings of an investigation thatidentified the GEV statistical distributions that best fit the annual maximum(AM) data series extracted from 172 gauging stations of 126 rivers inIreland. Analysis of these data was undertaken to explore hydraulic andhydro-geological factors that influence flood frequency distributions. Ahierarchical approach of increasing statistical power that used probabilityplots, moment and L-moment diagrams, the Hosking goodness of fit algorithmand a modified Anderson-Darling (A-D) statistical test was followed todetermine whether a type I, type II or type III distribution was valid.Results of the Hosking et al. method indicated that of the 143 stations withflow records exceeding 25 yr, data for 95 (67%) was best represented byGEV type I distributions and a further 9 (6%) and 39 (27%) stationsfollowed type II and type III distributions respectively. Type I, type II andtype III distributions were determined for 83 (58%), 16 (11%) and 34(24%) stations respectively using the modified A-D method (data from 10stations was not represented by GEV family distributions). The influence ofkarst terrain on these flood frequency distributions was assessed byincorporating results on an Arc-GIS platform showing karst features and usingMonte Carlo simulations to assess the significance of the number andclustering of the observed distributions. Floodplain effects were identifiedby using two-sample t-tests to identify statistical correlations between thedistributions and catchment properties that are indicative of strongfloodplain activity. The data reveals that type I distributions are spatiallywell represented throughout the country. While also well representedthroughout the country, the majority of type III distributions appear inareas where attenuation influences from floodplains are likely. The majorityof type II distributions appear in a single cluster in a region in the westof the country that is underlain by karst but importantly, is characterisedby shallow of glacial drift with frequent exposures of rock outcrops. Thepresence of karst in river catchments would be expected to provide additionalsubsurface storage and in this regard, type III distributions might beexpected. The prevalence of type II distributions in this area reflects thefinite nature of this storage. For prolonged periods of rainfall, risinggroundwater levels will fill karst voids, remove subsurface storage andcontribute to recharge related sinkhole flooding. Situations where rainfallintensities exceed karst percolation rates also produce high levels ofsurface runoff (discharge related flooding) that can promote type IIdistributions in nearby river catchments. Results therefore indicate that insome instances, assuming type I distributions is incorrect and may result inerroneous estimates of flood quantiles at these locations. Where actual datafollows a type II distribution, flood quantiles may be underestimated by inexcess of 35% and for type III distributions, overestimates by over 25% can occur.
机译:本研究探讨了对爱尔兰河洪水频率分布的影响。在爱尔兰,建议使用I型通用极值(GEV)分布来估计单站点洪水频率分析中的洪水分位数。本文介绍了一项调查结果,该调查结果确定了最适合从爱尔兰126条河流的172个测量站提取的年度最大值(AM)数据系列的GEV统计分布。对这些数据进行了分析,以探索影响洪水频率分布的水力和水文地质因素。采用概率图,矩图和L矩图,Hosking拟合优度算法和改进的Anderson-Darling(AD)统计检验的提高统计功效的分层方法,以确定I,II或III型分布是否有效。 Hosking等人的结果。方法表明,在143个流量超过25年的台站中,GEV I型分布最好地代表了95个(67%)的数据,而II型和III型分布分别代表了9个(6%)和39个(27%)的站。使用改进的A-D方法分别确定了83个站(58%),16个(11%)和34(24%)站的I型,II型和III型分布(GEV族分布未代表10个站的数据)。通过将结果结合到显示喀斯特特征的Arc-GIS平台上,并使用蒙特卡罗模拟来评估所发现分布的数量和聚类的重要性,来评估喀斯特地形对这些洪水频率分布的影响。通过使用两个样本的t检验来确定洪泛区的效果,以识别分布和流域特性之间的统计相关性,这些相关性指示了强洪泛区的活动。数据表明,全国各地I型分布在空间上都有很好的代表。虽然在全国各地都有很好的代表性,但大多数III型分布都出现在可能受到洪泛区衰减影响的区域。 II型分布的大部分出现在该国西部地区一个单一的集群中,该地区被喀斯特所包围,但重要的是,其特征是冰川漂移较浅且经常暴露于岩石露头。河流集水区中的喀斯特地貌可望提供更多的地下存储,在这方面,可能会期望III型分布。 II型分布在该地区的普遍存在反映了这种储存的有限性。对于长时间的降雨,地下水位上升将填充岩溶空隙,移除地下存储并有助于补给相关的下沉洪水。降雨强度超过喀斯特渗流率的情况也会产生高水平的地表径流(与排放有关的洪水),可促进附近河流集水区的II型分布。因此,结果表明,在某些情况下,假设I型分布不正确,并可能导致这些位置的洪水分位数的错误估计。如果实际数据遵循II类分布,则洪水分位数可能被低估了35%,而对于III类分布,可能会高估25%以上。



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