首页> 外文期刊>HYDRO Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment >Comparative Study of Flood Calculation Approaches, a Case Study of East Rapti River Basin, Nepal

Comparative Study of Flood Calculation Approaches, a Case Study of East Rapti River Basin, Nepal




Various approaches to high flood calculation have been used to inform the design of hydraulic structures and flood protection works in Nepal. To assess potential flood volumes, a variety of methods and calculations are employed and the highest figure is adopted as correct so as to err on the side of safety. This approach, while safe, can result in excessively uneconomic design. As well, this approach erodes the designer’s confidence in the process to determine the potential flood volume and perpetuates such sub-optimal approaches. Through the case study of East Rapti River, this paper tries to shed light on various ungauged basin approaches of flood prediction currently in practice. It also compares the relative performance of those approaches using statistical methods and observed data. From the study, Jha PCJ method (1996) yielded a comparable result with the gauged basin methods. A remarkably notable fact obtained is that all the ungauged basin methods except rational method underestimated the flood discharge as compared to that obtained from the frequency analysis based on measured data sets. Overall, our study concludes that flood forecasting on ungauged basins cannot be recommended because a number of assumptions and personal judgments influence each of the prediction methods. Therefore, a more radical shift to basin specific intensive research is desirable DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/hn.v15i0.11296 HYDRO Nepal Journal Journal of Water, Energy and Environment Volume: 15, 2014, July Page: 60-64
机译:尼泊尔采用了各种高洪水计算方法来指导水工结构和防洪工程的设计。为了评估潜在的洪水量,采用了多种方法和计算方法,并且采用了最高的数字作为正确的数字,以免影响安全。这种方法虽然安全,但会导致设计过于经济。同样,这种方法会削弱设计人员对确定潜在洪水量的过程的信心,并使这种次优方法永存。通过东拉提河的案例研究,本文试图阐明目前正在实践中的各种非流域洪水预报方法。它还使用统计方法和观察到的数据比较了这些方法的相对性能。根据这项研究,Jha PCJ方法(1996年)得出了与规范盆地方法可比的结果。获得的一个显着事实是,与基于实测数据集的频率分析所获得的流量相比,除合理方法外,所有非灌流盆地方法均低估了洪水流量。总体而言,我们的研究得出的结论是,由于许多假设和个人判断会影响每种预测方法,因此不建议对未流域进行洪水预报。因此,需要更彻底地转向针对流域的专项研究DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/hn.v15i0.11296 HYDRO Nepal Journal水,能源与环境学报卷:2014年7月,第15页:60-64



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