首页> 中文期刊>水资源保护 >雅鲁藏布江-布拉马普特拉河流域国家及尼泊尔水土-经济耦合评价




The coupling coordination degree model was performed to assess the coupling level of water and land resources and economy of the four countries in the Yarlungzangbo-Brahmaputra River Basin and Nepal from 1961 to 2014.The results show that the carrying level of water and land resources is higher than the level of economic development from 1961 to 2000,which is opposite from 2001 to 2014.The change of carrying level of water and land resources is not synchronous with economic development.The coupling coordination degree of water and land resources and economy in the five countries is between 0.312 and 0.739,which indicates that the countries are on the verge of disorders or basic coordination.Nepal is on the best coupling coordination and Bangladesh is on the worst state.China experiences a huge improvement with 0.368 of coupling coordination degree and Bangladesh has the smallest change in magnitude.For all the study countries,the correlation between water and land resources and economy changes from the mode of economic lag to water and land resource lag.%采用耦合协调度模型,研究了雅鲁藏布江-布拉马普特拉河流域4 个国家及尼泊尔1961—2014年的水土资源和经济发展耦合状况.结果表明:研究区域1961—2000年水土资源承载水平高于经济发展水平,2001—2014年则相反,水土资源承载变化与经济发展缺乏同步性;1961—2014年各国水土资源与经济耦合协调度介于0.312~0.739,处于濒临失调和基本协调型,耦合协调最好的是尼泊尔,最差的是孟加拉国;耦合协调度提升幅度最大的是中国,达到0.368,幅度变化最小的是孟加拉国;各国水土资源与经济发展系统对比关系由经济滞后型转变为水土资源支撑滞后型.



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