首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >Trajectories of scripture transmission: The case of Amos 5:25–27 in Acts 7:42–43

Trajectories of scripture transmission: The case of Amos 5:25–27 in Acts 7:42–43




It is the intention of this study to explore the trajectory of the transmission and reception of three elements from Amos 5:25–27 through the stages of its history in ancient religious literature. Four stages in its trajectory are explored, namely in the Amos Masoretic Text (MT), the quotations from the Jewish Damascus Scroll sect, the Jewish-Hellenistic context of the Septuagint (LXX) Amos, and the Early Christian context of Stephen's speech by Luke in Acts 7:42–43. The astral Mesopotamian deities of Amos MT changed to symbols which now stood for the law, the congregation, the prophets and the interpreter of the law in the sectarian context of the Damascus scroll. The LXX, in turn, understood these to be ‘the tent of Moloch' and the ‘star of your god Raiphan'. This version is used in Acts 7, but whereas the LXX shows traces of a connection with the Heaven-and-Sun god, particularly with the planet Saturn, Luke now places the same elements within the context of the exodus narrative in Stephen's speech. The investigation shows how the mutation of scripture becomes clear in the trajectory of its transmission and how it is constantly being reinterpreted to be relevant within the context of its time.
机译:本研究的目的是通过古代宗教文学中阿摩司5:25–27的三个历史阶段来探索其传播和接受的轨迹。探索了它的轨迹的四个阶段,即阿摩司马索里特教科书(MT),犹太大马士革卷轴教派的语录,七十士译本(LXX)阿摩司的犹太希腊语境,以及路加福音的斯蒂芬的早期基督教语境。在使徒行传7:42-43中。在大马士革书卷的宗派背景下,阿莫斯山(Amos MT)的美索不达米亚星体神灵变成了现在代表法律,会众,先知和法律解释者的符号。反过来,LXX则将其理解为“ Moloch的帐篷”和“ Raiphan神的星星”。该版本在使徒行传7中使用,但LXX显示出与天日神,特别是与土星的联系的痕迹,而卢克现在在史蒂芬的演说中将出埃及记叙述中的内容相同。调查表明,经文的变异如何在其传播的轨迹中变得清晰,以及如何不断地将其重新解释为与经文相关。



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