首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Surface and subsurface flow effect on permanent gully formation and upland erosion near Lake Tana in the northern highlands of Ethiopia

Surface and subsurface flow effect on permanent gully formation and upland erosion near Lake Tana in the northern highlands of Ethiopia




Gully formation in the Ethiopian Highlands has been identified as a major source of sediment in water bodies, and results in sever land degradation. Loss of soil from gully erosion reduces agricultural productivity and grazing land availability, and is one of the major causes of reservoir siltation in the Nile Basin. This study was conducted in the 523 ha Debre-Mawi watershed south of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, where gullies are actively forming in the landscape. Historic gully development in a section of the Debre-Mawi watershed was estimated with semi structured farmer interviews, remotely sensed imagery, and measurements of current gully volumes. Gully formation was assessed by instrumenting the gully and surrounding area to measure water table levels and soil physical properties. Gully formation began in the late 1980's following the removal of indigenous vegetation, leading to an increase in surface and subsurface runoff from the hillsides. A comparison of the gully area, estimated from a 0.58 m resolution QuickBird image, with the current gully area mapped with a GPS, indicated that the total eroded area of the gully increased from 0.65 ha in 2005 to 1.0 ha in 2007 and 1.43 ha in 2008. The gully erosion rate, calculated from cross-sectional transect measurements, between 2007 and 2008 was 530 t hasup?1/sup yrsup?1/sup in the 17.4 ha area contributing to the gully, equivalent to over 4 cm soil loss over the contributing area. As a comparison, we also measured rill and interrill erosion rates in a nearby section of the watershed, gully erosion rates were approximately 20 times the measured rill and interrill rates. Depths to the water table measured with piezometers showed that in the actively eroding sections of the gully the water table was above the gully bottom and, in stable gully sections the water table was below the gully bottom during the rainy season. The elevated water table appears to facilitate the slumping of gully walls, which causes the gully to widen and to migrate up the hillside.
机译:埃塞俄比亚高地的沟壑形成已被确定为水体中主要的沉积物来源,并导致严重的土地退化。沟壑侵蚀造成的土壤流失降低了农业生产力和放牧地的可用性,是尼罗河流域水库淤积的主要原因之一。这项研究是在埃塞俄比亚Bahir Dar以南523公顷的Debre-Mawi分水岭上进行的,沟壑在景观中活跃地形成。通过半结构化的农民访谈,遥感影像和当前沟渠量的测量,估计了德布勒-马维流域一部分沟壑的历史发展。通过对沟渠和周围地区进行仪器测量以测量地下水位和土壤物理性质来评估沟渠的形成。沟壑的形成始于1980年代后期,当时当地植被被清除,导致山坡地表径流和地下径流增加。根据0.58 m分辨率的QuickBird图像估计的沟渠面积与当前的GPS映射的沟渠面积的比较表明,沟壑的总侵蚀面积从2005年的0.65公顷增加到2007年的1.0公顷和2007年的1.43公顷。 2008年。根据横断面测量结果计算,2007年至2008年之间的沟壑侵蚀率为530 t ha ?1 yr ?1 ,造成了沟壑,相当于在贡献区域的土壤流失超过4厘米。作为比较,我们还测量了流域附近区域的小溪和小溪间侵蚀率,沟壑侵蚀率约为所测小溪和小溪间侵蚀率的20倍。用压力计测量的地下水位深度表明,在雨季活跃侵蚀的沟壑中,地下水位高于沟渠底部,而在稳定沟壑区,地下水位低于沟渠底部。升高的地下水位似乎有利于沟渠壁的塌陷,这导致沟渠变宽并向上迁移到山坡上。



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