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Mapping of erosion risk zones in the Lake Tana region of Ethiopia




Abstract: The imaging mode 3 of the Modular OptoelectronicMultispectral Scanner (MOMS-02) combines twoalong-track panchromatic stereo bands (520 - 760 nm)with two multispectral bands in the red (645 - 680 nm)and near infrared (770 - 810 nm) wavelength spectrum.This special design offers the opportunity to combinethe stereoscopic evaluation of relief parameters withthematic information on actual landuse frommultispectral bands. Using FAO's Universal Soil LossEquation (USLE) for a test site in the EthiopianHighlands actual relief and thematic information isneeded in order to derive an actual erosion risk map.MOMS-02 multispectral data was used as a data sourcefor soil type mapping, the actual landcover andmanagement intensity estimations. Potential naturalvegetation cover and agroclimitical data were digitizedfrom official large scale maps. Relief parameters likeslope gradient and length were derived from a digitalterrain model (DTM). DTM's were generated out of aerialphotographs (1:50,000) and MOMS stereo data. They havebeen geocoded and validated by differential GPSmeasurements. Both DTM's were compared in order to showthe potential of DTM's derived from MOMS. GIS basedevaluations of the extracted parameters finally lead toan actual erosion risk map of the test site Dir Dira.Using landuse information from old topographic maps asan parameter for the USLE result in an historicalerosion risk map. The comparison between both resultsshows a considerable increase of the endangered areaswithin 10 years.!13
机译:摘要:模块化光电多光谱扫描仪(MOMS-02)的成像模式3结合了两个沿轨道的全色立体波段(520-760 nm),以及在红色(645-680 nm)和近红外(770-810 nm)的两个多光谱波段。这种特殊的设计提供了将地形参数的立体评估与来自多光谱带的实际土地利用的专题信息相结合的机会。为了获得实际的侵蚀风险图,需要使用粮农组织的全球土壤流失方程(USLE)在埃塞俄比亚高地的一个测试点上获得实际的地形和专题信息,将MOMS-02多光谱数据用作土壤类型图,实际的土地覆盖和管理的数据源。强度估计。潜在的自然植被覆盖度和农业极限数据从官方的大规模地图上进行了数字化处理。缓解参数(例如坡度和长度)是从Digitalterrain模型(DTM)导出的。 DTM是根据航拍照片(1:50,000)和MOMS立体数据生成的。它们已通过差分GPS测量进行了地理编码和验证。比较了两个DTM,以显示从MOMS衍生的DTM的潜力。基于GIS的提取参数评估最终得出了测试地点Dir Dira的实际侵蚀风险图。使用旧地形图的土地利用信息作为USLE的参数会得出历史侵蚀风险图。两项结果之间的比较表明,在10年内,濒危地区的数量大大增加了!! 13


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