首页> 外文期刊>Humanities >Transcultural Literary Interpretation: Theoretical Reflections with Examples from the Works of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Transcultural Literary Interpretation: Theoretical Reflections with Examples from the Works of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Johann Wolfgang Goethe




The present contribution explores the topic of literary interpretation from a transcultural perspective. We employ two dramas by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing ( Die Juden and Nathan der Weise ) and one by Johann Wolfgang Goethe ( Iphigenie auf Tauris ) as models for the investigation of intercultural and transcultural readings of literary texts. We first consider the epistemologies of Johann Martin Chladenius and Johann Gottfried Herder in order to distinguish between intercultural and transcultural studies. As a field of inquiry, transcultural literary studies does not employ one particular approach or advocate one specific method since it seeks to create new knowledge by opening up literary texts. For the first time, the article differentiates clearly between intercultural and transcultural studies and offers a clearer definition of transcultural spheres or spaces than has been advanced before. The critique of Karl-Josef Kuschel’s reading of Lessing’s Nathan der Weise opens up the literary-dramatic text to new possibilities. The field does not focus on what cultures do with human beings but with what different human beings do with culture. In sum, the transcultural dimensions of literary texts foster transcultural mentalities. They also have the potential to identify shared experiences and to develop common understandings while respecting the authenticity of difference.
机译:本文稿从跨文化的角度探讨了文学解释的主题。我们以戈特霍尔德·埃弗莱姆·莱辛(Die Juden and Nathan der Weise)的两部戏剧和约翰·沃尔夫冈·歌德(Iphigenie auf Tauris)的一部戏剧为研究文学作品的跨文化和跨文化阅读的典范。为了区分文化间研究和跨文化研究,我们首先考虑约翰·马丁·克拉德尼乌斯和约翰·戈特弗里德·赫德的认识论。作为一个研究领域,跨文化文学研究不采用一种特定的方法也不主张一种特定的方法,因为它试图通过开放文学文本来创造新知识。本文首次将跨文化研究与跨文化研究区分开来,并提供了比以前更清晰的跨文化领域或空间定义。卡尔·约瑟夫·库舍尔(Karl-Josef Kuschel)对莱辛的内森·德·维瑟(Nathan der Weise)的阅读批评为文学戏剧文本开辟了新的可能性。该领域不关注文化对人类的影响,而是关注不同人类对文化的影响。总而言之,文学文本的跨文化维度培养了跨文化思想。他们也有可能在尊重差异真实性的同时,识别共同的经验并发展共识。



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