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Balance billing: the patients' perspective




We study the effects of 'balance billing', i.e., allowing physicians to charge a fee from patients in addition to the fee paid by Medicare. First, we show that on pure efficiency grounds the optimal Medicare fee under balance billing is zero. An active Medicare policy thus can only be justified when distributional concerns are accounted for. Extending the analysis by Glazer and McGuire, we therefore analyze the optimal policy from the patients' point of view. We demonstrate that, from the patients' perspective, a positive fee can be superior under balance billing. Furthermore, patient welfare can be lower if balance billing is prohibited. In particular, this is the case if the administrative costs of Medicare are large. However, we cannot rule out that prohibiting balance billing may be superior. Finally, we show that payer fee discrimination increases patient welfare if Medicare's administrative costs are high or if Medicare's optimal fee under balance billing implies lower quality for fee-only patients. JEL-classification: I11, I18, H51
机译:我们研究了``余额计费''的效果,即允许医生从Medicare支付的费用中收取患者的费用。首先,我们证明,从纯效率的角度出发,余额计费下的最佳Medicare费用为零。因此,只有考虑到分配问题,才有理由采取积极的Medicare政策。因此,通过扩展Glazer和McGuire的分析,我们从患者的角度分析了最佳策略。我们证明,从患者的角度来看,在余额计费方式下,阳性费用可能会更高。此外,如果禁止使用余额计费,患者的福利可能会降低。如果Medicare的行政成本很高,则尤其如此。但是,我们不能排除禁止余额结算的优势。最后,我们表明,如果Medicare的行政成本很高,或者如果余额计费下Medicare的最佳费用暗示仅收费患者的质量较低,则付款人费用歧视会增加患者的福利。 JEL分类:I11,I18,H51



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