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Sublingual Immunotherapy: Clinical Indications in the WAO-SLIT Position Paper




Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is a matter of only 20 years. Nonetheless, in this short period of time more than 60 randomized double blind placebo-controlled trials have been published, in addition to postmarketing surveillance studies and meta-analyses. The wide diffusion of SLIT in clinical practice and the large availability of experimental data prompted the WAO to publish a position paper on SLIT, to identify the indications, contraindications, and practical aspects of the treatment. On the basis of the available literature, SLIT is certainly indicated in allergic rhinitis in both adults and children. In this latter population, SLIT may exert a preventative effect on the development of asthma. The age seems not to represent a special problem. SLIT can be used also when asthma is associated to rhinitis, whereas it is not the first choice for the treatment of isolated asthma. The IgE-mediated mechanism and the clear identification of the causal role of the allergen are mandatory prerequisites for prescribing SLIT. The safety profile is excellent, but it is recommended that the first dose be given under medical supervision. Atopic dermatitis, latex allergy, and hymenoptera hypersensitivity are promising fields of use of SLIT, but they are still considered only experimental uses.
机译:舌下免疫疗法(SLIT)仅需20年。但是,除了上市后的监测研究和荟萃分析外,在短时间内还发表了60多项随机双盲安慰剂对照试验。 SLIT在临床实践中的广泛传播和大量实验数据的使用促使WAO发表了关于SLIT的立场文件,以明确治疗的适应症,禁忌症和实用方面。根据现有文献,SLIT在成人和儿童的过敏性鼻炎中肯定适用。在后一种人群中,SLIT可能对哮喘的发展产生预防作用。年龄似乎并不代表一个特殊的问题。当哮喘与鼻炎相关时,也可以使用SLIT,但它不是孤立性哮喘的首选治疗方法。 IgE介导的机制和对变应原的致病作用的清楚识别是开具SLIT的强制性先决条件。安全性非常好,但是建议在医学监督下给予第一剂。特应性皮炎,乳胶过敏和膜翅目过敏是有希望的SLIT应用领域,但仍仅被认为是实验用途。



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