首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Poisoning in cattle by Baccharidastrum triplinervium (Asteraceae)

Poisoning in cattle by Baccharidastrum triplinervium (Asteraceae)

机译:Baccharidastrum triplinervium(菊科)对牛中毒



An outbreak of poisoning by Baccharidastrum triplinervium in cattle from Paraná, Brazil, is described. The disease occurred during a severe drought in early summer. The onset of clinical signs was two days after 50 cows and 8 heifers had been introduced into a pasture with high density of B. triplinervium that showed signs of having been consumed by the animals. Fifteen animals (9 cows and 6 heifers) got sick. Of these 15, two cows and four heifers died after a clinical course of 12-60 hours. Clinical signs included depression, ruminal atony, moderate bloat, marked dehydration, mild diarrhea and anorexia. The animals were restless, laying down and getting up constantly, remaining progressively longer periods in sternal recumbency. Once in that position, the animals had an extended head or the head turned to one of the sides of the body, and were groaning. Additionally, the cows had an abrupt fall in milk yield. The remaining affected cattle presented milder clinical signs and were partially back to their feed on the day following the onset of the clinical signs. The milk production was back to normal values within one week. The main gross lesions observed in two necropsied cows were in the forestomachs and abomasum, consisting of edema of the ruminal wall, as well as of diffuse reddening of the mucosae of the rumen, reticulum, abomasum and of some of the omasal folds. The main histological lesions included multifocal ballooning degeneration and necrosis of the lining epithelium of the rumen, associated with neutrophilic infiltrate. The diagnosis was based on the epidemiological data and on the experimental reproduction of the disease by force-feeding 3 bovine with the aeral fresh parts (20 and 30g/kg) of B. triplinervium. Chemical analysis of dried material from B. triplinervium harvested at the site of the outbreak was negative for macrocyclic trichothecenes. Index
机译:描述了来自巴西巴拉那州的牛的Baccharidastrum triplinervium中毒暴发。该病发生在初夏的严重干旱期间。在将50头母牛和8头小母牛引入高密度的雷公藤芽孢杆菌牧场中两天后,开始出现临床体征,这种迹象表明动物已经食用了这种迹象。 15只动物(9头母牛和6头小母牛)生病了。在这15头动物中,有12头到60个小时的临床过程中有2头母牛和4头小母牛死亡。临床体征包括抑郁症,瘤胃无力,中度膨胀,明显脱水,轻度腹泻和厌食。这些动物坐立不安,躺下并不断站起来,在胸骨卧位上逐渐保持更长的时间。一旦处于该位置,动物的头就会伸出,或者头转向身体的一侧,然后and吟。此外,奶牛的牛奶产量突然下降。其余受影响的牛表现出较轻的临床症状,并在临床症状发作后的第二天部分恢复其饲料。一周内牛奶产量恢复正常。在两个尸检牛中观察到的主要肉眼病变在前胃和皱胃中,由瘤胃壁水肿,瘤胃的粘膜弥漫性变红,网状,皱胃和某些胃部皱褶组成。主要的组织学病变包括多灶性球囊变性和瘤胃衬层上皮坏死,并伴有嗜中性粒细胞浸润。该诊断基于流行病学数据和通过向3头牛的三倍体新芽孢杆菌的新鲜新鲜部分(20和30g / kg)强制饲喂而对该疾病的实验性繁殖。在疫情暴发地点收获的来自雷公藤芽孢杆菌的干燥物质的化学分析对大环曲霉烯酶是阴性的。指数



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