首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Characterization of the estrous cycle in Galea spixii(Wagler, 1831)

Characterization of the estrous cycle in Galea spixii(Wagler, 1831)

机译:Galea spixii发情周期的特征(Wagler,1831)



The Galea spixii inhabits semiarid vegetation of Caatinga in the Brazilian Northeast. They are bred in captivity for the development of researches on the biology of reproduction. Therefore, the aim of this study is characterize the estrous cycle of G. spixii, in order to provide information to a better knowledge of captive breeding of the species. The estrous cycle was monitored by vaginal exfoliative cytology in 12 adult females. After the detection of two complete cycles in each animal, the same were euthanized. Then, histological study of the vaginal epithelium, with three females in each phase of the estrous cycle was performed; five were paired with males for performing the control group for estrous cycle phases, and three other were used to monitor the formation and rupture of vaginal closure membrane. By vaginal exfoliative cytology, predominance of superficial cells in estrus, large intermediate cells in proestrus, intermediate and parabasal cells, with neutrophils, in diestrus and metestrus respectively was found. Estrus was detected by the presence of spermatozoa in the control group. By histology, greater proliferation of the vaginal epithelium in proestrus was observed. We conclude that the estrous cycle of G. spixii lasts 15.8 ?± 1.4 days and that the vaginal closure membrane develops until complete occlusion of the vaginal ostium, breaking after few days. Future studies may reveal the importance of this fact for the reproductive success of this animal.
机译:Galea spixii栖息在巴西东北部Caatinga的半干旱植被中。它们在繁殖中繁殖,用于繁殖生物学的研究。因此,本研究的目的是鉴定G. spixii的发情周期,以便为更好地了解该物种的圈养繁殖提供信息。通过阴道剥脱细胞学监测12名成年女性的发情周期。在每只动物中检测到两个完整的循环后,将其安乐死。然后,对发情周期各阶段有三只雌性的阴道上皮进行组织学研究。五只与雄性配对,进行动情周期阶段的对照组,另外三只用于监测阴道闭合膜的形成和破裂。通过阴道脱落细胞学检查,发现发情中的浅表细胞占优势,发情期中的大型中间细胞,中层和副基底层细胞以及嗜中性粒细胞分别位于发情期和睾丸中。在对照组中通过存在精子来检测发情。通过组织学,观察到在发情前阴道上皮的更大增殖。我们得出的结论是,G。spixii的发情周期持续15.8±1.4天,并且阴道闭合膜发展到完全封闭阴道口,几天后破裂。未来的研究可能会揭示这一事实对这种动物繁殖成功的重要性。



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