首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Detection of virulence-associated genes in Salmonella Enteritidis isolates from chicken in South of Brazil

Detection of virulence-associated genes in Salmonella Enteritidis isolates from chicken in South of Brazil




> size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Salmonella spp. are considered the main agents of foodborne disease and Salmonella Enteritidis is one of the most frequently isolated serovars worldwide. The virulence of Salmonella spp. and their interaction with the host are complex processes involving virulence factors to overcome host defenses. The purpose of this study was to detect virulence genes in S. Enteritidis isolates from poultry in the South of Brazil. PCR-based assays were developed in order to detect nine genes (lpfA, agfA, sefA, invA, hilA, avrA, sopE, sivH and spvC) associated with the virulence in eighty-four isolates of S. Enteritidis isolated from poultry. The invA, hilA, sivH, sefA and avrA genes were present in 100% of the isolates; lpfA and sopE were present in 99%; agfA was present in 96%; and the spvC gene was present in 92%. It was possible to characterize the isolates with four different genetic profiles (P1, P2, P3 and P4), as it follows: P1, positive for all genes; P2, negative only for spvC; P3, negative for agfA; and P4, negative for lpfA, spvC and sopE. The most prevalent profile was P1, which was present in 88% of the isolates. Although all isolates belong to the same serovar, it was possible to observe variations in the presence of these virulence-associated genes between different isolates. The characterization of the mechanisms of virulence circulating in the population of Salmonella Enteritidis is important for a better understanding of its biology and pathogenicity. The frequency of these genes and the establishment of genetic profiles can be used to determine patterns of virulence. These patterns, associated with in vivo studies, may help develop tools to predict the ability of virulence of different strains.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”> 沙门氏菌 spp。被认为是食源性疾病的主要诱因,沙门氏菌肠炎沙门氏菌是全世界最常见的血清型之一。 沙门氏菌 spp。的毒力。它们与宿主的相互作用是复杂的过程,其中涉及克服宿主防御的毒力因素。这项研究的目的是检测iS中的毒力基因。 肠炎沙门氏菌从巴西南部的家禽中分离出来。为了检测9种基因( lpfA , agfA,sefA,invA,hilA,avrA,sopE,sivH 和 spvC ,开发了基于PCR的检测方法>)与从禽类中分离出的84种肠炎沙门氏菌(S。 Enteritidis)的毒力有关。 invA , hilA,sivH,sefA 和 avrA 基因存在于100%的分离物中。 lpfA 和 sopE 的含量为99%; agfA 占96%;并且 spvC 基因的存在率为92%。可以用以下四个不同的遗传特征(P1,P2,P3和P4)表征分离株:P1,所有基因均为阳性; P2,仅对 spvC 为负; P3, agfA 阴性;和P4,对于 lpfA , spvC 和 sopE 为阴性。最普遍的特征是P1,它存在于88%的分离物中。尽管所有分离株都属于同一血清型,但有可能观察到不同分离株之间存在这些与毒力相关基因的变异。表征沙门氏菌沙门氏菌种群中毒力循环的机制对于更好地了解其生物学和致病性具有重要意义。这些基因的频率和遗传图谱的建立可用于确定毒力模式。这些与体内研究相关的模式,可能有助于开发工具来预测不同菌株的毒力。



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