首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of the gene H from canine distemper virus isolates circulating at the municipality of Campinas, S?o Paulo

Molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of the gene H from canine distemper virus isolates circulating at the municipality of Campinas, S?o Paulo




> size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Canine distemper virus (CDV), a Morbillivirus of the family Paramyxoviridae, is the etiological agent of neurological and systemic disease in dogs. The laboratory diagnosis of infection requires viral isolation or detection of genetic material of the virus in secretions or tissues of dogs with clinical suspicion of the disease. The genetic diversity among isolates of CDV can be assessed by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the gene that encodes the viral hemagglutinin (H gene), and there is currently a special interest in comparing the strains currently circulating in the field with the genogroup America-1, which comprises strains present in vaccines available in the market. In this study, the molecular detection of CDV gene H was performed from biological samples harvested ante-and post-mortem from 15 dogs with clinical signs suggestive of canine distemper in the metropolitan region of Campinas, São Paulo. Ten of the 15 dogs examined had at least one positive organ under molecular detection and the obtained amplicons were sequenced and further analyzed by molecular phylogenetic analysis. Similarly to what has already been reported on previous studies regarding the diversity of the gene H in other countries, the phylogenetic reconstruction obtained for the samples of cases of distemper from Campinas region showed they were grouped with the North American, European and Japanese newly described samples, a genetic group distinguished from classical samples of CDV, named America-1, which encompasses the vaccine strains Snyder Hill, Onderstepoort and Lederle.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”>犬瘟热病毒(CDV), Paramyxoviridae家族的 Morbillivirus >,是狗神经系统疾病的病原体。对感染的实验室诊断需要病毒分离或在临床怀疑该病的狗的分泌物或组织中检测病毒的遗传物质。可以通过对编码病毒血凝素(H基因)的基因进行测序和系统发育分析来评估CDV分离株之间的遗传多样性,目前,人们特别感兴趣的是将该领域目前正在流行的菌株与美国1号基因组进行比较。 ,其中包含市场上出售的疫苗中存在的菌株。在这项研究中,CDV基因H的分子检测是从15只狗的临床样本中提取的,这些样本具有大城市犬瘟热的临床体征圣保罗坎皮纳斯地区。在检查的15只狗中,有10只在分子检测下具有至少一个阳性器官,并对获得的扩增子进行测序,并通过分子系统发育分析进一步分析。与先前在其他国家关于H基因多样性的研究中已经报道的类似,对来自Campinas地区的犬瘟热病例的系统发育重建表明,它们与北美,欧洲和日本新近描述的样本分组在一起是一个不同于CDV经典样本的遗传群,名为America-1,其中包括Snyder Hill,Onderstepoort和Lederle疫苗株。



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