首页> 外文期刊>Verbum et Ecclesia >Die filosofie kan die teologie help om weg te beweeg van ?n onhistoriese, sinkroniese interpretasie van tekste na ?n historiese, diakroniese interpretasie van tekste

Die filosofie kan die teologie help om weg te beweeg van ?n onhistoriese, sinkroniese interpretasie van tekste na ?n historiese, diakroniese interpretasie van tekste




In the last few decades in South Africa, much emphasis has been placed on unhistorical, synchronistic interpretations of the text of the Old Testament. Very little effort has been made to look into the long historical development of the text from the sources to the present form. Sometimes the advocates of these synchronistic approaches even responded with hostility towards any approach that would, in their words, deny the authority of the text. Their search was for absolute truth, which they believed could be secured by their methods. The uncertainties of historical research were not attractive to them. In this article, we briefly look at Gerhard Von Rad?s Traditionsgeschichte [History of Traditions] and Hans-Georg Gadamer?s Wirkungsgeschichte [Reception History] and point out that mankind is rooted in history. We thus come to understanding through a process that is tied to our historical horisons. Furthermore, it will become clear that theology and philosophy can help one another in defining the process of understanding.
机译:在南非的过去几十年中,人们对旧约的文本进行了非历史的,同步的解释。从源头到目前的形式,从文本的悠久历史发展来看,所做的工作很少。有时,这些同步方法的倡导者甚至对任何用其话语否认文本权威的方法都怀有敌意。他们追求的是绝对真理,他们相信可以通过自己的方法来保证。历史研究的不确定性对他们没有吸引力。在本文中,我们简要介绍了格哈德·冯·拉德(Gerhard Von Rad)的“传统史”和汉斯·乔治·加达默尔(Hans-Georg Gadamer)的“接待史”(Wirkungsgeschichchte),并指出人类植根于历史。因此,我们通过与我们的历史观点相关的过程来了解。此外,很明显,神学和哲学可以在定义理解的过程中互相帮助。



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