首页> 外文期刊>Trends in Peptide and Protein Sciences >Engineered Recombinant Protein Production Systems Originated from Escherichia coli

Engineered Recombinant Protein Production Systems Originated from Escherichia coli




Selection of a suitable host strain is an important step in recombinant production of heterologous proteins. As the prokaryotic systems and especially Escherichia coli (E. coli) cells are the most attractive host in therapeutic protein production, various derivatives of this organism have been developed to overcome the limitations exist in recombinant protein production, such as inefficient expression and folding of target proteins with eukaryotic origin. This review summarized key strategies for E. coli engineering and introduced some new and applicable engineered E. coli strains that produce more complex proteins for therapeutic and research use in the future. HIGHLIGHTS ? Selection of a suitable host is an important step in recombinant protein production. ? Escherichia coli cells are the most attractive host in therapeutic protein production. ? Engineered strains had developed to produce active protein with suitable conformation in industrial scale. ? Classical mutagenesis & genome engineering are two important strain engineering strategies.
机译:选择合适的宿主菌株是重组生产异源蛋白的重要步骤。由于原核系统,尤其是大肠杆菌(E. coli)细胞是治疗性蛋白质生产中最有吸引力的宿主,因此已开发出该生物的各种衍生物以克服重组蛋白质生产中存在的局限性,例如表达效率低和靶标折叠具有真核起源的蛋白质。这篇综述总结了大肠杆菌工程学的关键策略,并介绍了一些新的和适用的工程化大肠杆菌菌株,这些菌株可生产出更复杂的蛋白质,以备将来用于治疗和研究。强调 ?选择合适的宿主是重组蛋白生产中的重要步骤。 ?大肠杆菌细胞是治疗性蛋白质生产中最有吸引力的宿主。 ?已经开发出工程菌株以生产具有工业规模的合适构象的活性蛋白。 ?经典诱变和基因组工程是两个重要的菌株工程策略。



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