首页> 外文期刊>Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management >Addressing the need for rapid treatment of agitation in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: focus on inhaled loxapine as an alternative to injectable agents

Addressing the need for rapid treatment of agitation in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: focus on inhaled loxapine as an alternative to injectable agents




Agitation (excessive motor or verbal activity) can be associated with schizophrenia or bipolar mania, and can further escalate into aggressive behavior and potentially lead to injuries in patients and staff. Medications used to treat agitation include antipsychotics and benzodiazepines, usually administered intramuscularly when rapid action is desired. Loxapine, a first-generation antipsychotic, has recently been reformulated into an inhaled powder that allows for direct administration to the lungs, resulting in rapid absorption into the systemic circulation. Administered via a single-use device, inhaled loxapine was tested in randomized controlled trials in agitation associated with schizophrenia or bipolar mania; doses of 5 mg and 10 mg were found to be efficacious, with an apparent dose response. In the Phase III studies, number needed to treat versus placebo for a ≥40% reduction from baseline on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale – Excited Component (PANSS-EC) at 2 hours was three for patients with bipolar disorder, and five for 5 mg and four for 10 mg for patients with schizophrenia, with effect sizes comparable to what has been observed in analogous studies of intramuscular injection of antipsychotics or lorazepam. Separation from placebo on the PANSS-EC was as early as 10 minutes postinhalation, the first time point where this was measured. Dysgeusia was the most commonly encountered spontaneously reported adverse event. Adverse events related to extrapyramidal symptoms and akathisia were relatively rare. Spirometry studies identified the potential for bronchospasm particularly in persons with asthma. Because of concerns over pulmonary safety, inhaled loxapine is restricted to use in hospitals and patients need to be prescreened for the presence of pulmonary disease, as well as monitored for signs and symptoms of bronchospasm for 1 hour postdose administration, as per a Food and Drug Administration-mandated Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy.
机译:躁动(过度的运动或言语活动)可能与精神分裂症或躁郁症有关,并且可能进一步升级为攻击性行为,并可能导致患者和工作人员受伤。用于治疗躁动的药物包括抗精神病药和苯二氮卓类药物,通常在需要快速作用时通过肌肉注射给药。洛沙平是第一代抗精神病药,最近已重新制成吸入性粉末,可直接施用于肺部,从而迅速吸收到全身循环中。通过一次使用的装置,在与精神分裂症或躁郁症相关的躁动的随机对照试验中对吸入的洛沙平进行了测试。发现5mg和10mg的剂量是有效的,具有明显的剂量反应。在III期研究中,在正,负综合症量表上,与安慰剂相比,从基线减少≥40%所需的数量–躁郁症患者的激发成分(PANSS-EC)在2小时时为3,而对于5为5精神分裂症患者服用4毫克和10毫克服用4毫克,其效果大小可与肌肉注射抗精神病药或劳拉西m的类似研究中观察到的相当。 PANSS-EC上从安慰剂中分离的时间最早是在吸入后10分钟,这是第一次测量。味觉障碍是最常见的自发性不良事件。与锥体外系症状和静坐不全相关的不良事件相对较少。肺活量测定研究确定了支气管痉挛的潜力,尤其是在哮喘患者中。由于担心肺部安全,吸入洛沙平仅限在医院中使用,根据食品和药品,在给药后1小时必须对患者进行肺部疾病预筛查,并监测支气管痉挛的体征和症状政府授权的风险评估和缓解策略。



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