首页> 外文期刊>The Open Nutraceuticals Journal >Effects of a Mixed Nutraceutical Beverage on Performance of Moderately Strenuous Aerobic Exercise Lasting Under an Hour

Effects of a Mixed Nutraceutical Beverage on Performance of Moderately Strenuous Aerobic Exercise Lasting Under an Hour




Intake of sugar containing drinks can aid performance in long aerobic exercise sessions. On the other hand, the effects on shorter sessions are less well characterized. The present study examined whether an effect could be seen in a shorter session when a nutraceutical beverage of carbohydrates (glucose, isomaltose, waxy maize) were combined with a small amount of protein plus nutritional antioxidants (β-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E). Recreationally trained, young adults performed two aerobic exercise testings, 4 weeks apart (3 mile run time + distance in 25 minutes of stationary biking + a 90 second step test). At the second testing, subjects drank 6.5 oz of either placebo (N=20) or the nutraceutical beverage (N=20) before and after the run, and midway through the cycling. Neither beverage affected run time but the nutraceutical beverage increased biking distance and step number (p < 0.001 for bike distance, p < 0.01 for steps, paired t-test). The changes for each of the latter two assessments differed significantly between beverages (p < 0.01, unpaired t-test). In conclusion, acute use of a nutritional drink improved performance in middle + later stages of aerobic exercise lasting under 1 hour. Future work can establish an optimal ingredient mix.
机译:摄入含糖饮料有助于长时间有氧运动。另一方面,对较短疗程的影响的表征较差。本研究研究了将营养保健食品中的碳水化合物(葡萄糖,异麦芽糖,蜡质玉米)与少量蛋白质和营养抗氧化剂(β-胡萝卜素,维生素C和维生素E)混合使用是否能在较短的时间里见到效果。经过休闲训练的年轻人进行了两次有氧运动测试,相隔4周(3英里跑步时间+固定自行车骑行25分钟的距离+ 90秒的步测)。在第二次测试中,受试者在跑步前后以及骑车过程中途饮用6.5盎司的安慰剂(N = 20)或营养饮料(N = 20)。两种饮料都不会影响运行时间,但营养饮料会增加骑车距离和步数(自行车距离p <0.001,步距p <0.01,配对t检验)。后两种评估中每一种的变化在饮料之间都存在显着差异(p <0.01,未配对t检验)。总之,在1小时以下的有氧运动的中期和后期,急性使用营养饮料可改善性能。未来的工作可以建立最佳的配料组合。



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