
Coding and Obesity: Room to Grow




id="p1">Introduction: Obesity is the leading health problem in the United States. Providers often fail to document obesity in patients whose body mass index (BMI) is more than 30. id="p-2">Methods:Using a structured data query of the military health system electronic medical record, we determined the BMI and presence of an associated International Classification of Disease code in a cohort of more than 3 million patients. id="p-3">Results:Fifteen percent of patients (482,628) had a BMI exceeding 30. Of those patients with a BMI more than 30,78,776 (16%) had an associated International Classification of Disease 9 code documenting obesity in their record. id="p-4">Conclusion:Coding and documentation of obesity is inadequate. This has implications for delivery of preventive counseling and efforts to mitigate rising trends in obesity. class="kwd-group KWD">
  • >class="kwd-search" href="/search?fulltext=Coding&sortspec=date&submit=Submit&andorexactfulltext=phrase">Coding
  • >class="kwd-search" href="/search?fulltext=Delivery+of+Health+Care&sortspec=date&submit=Submit&andorexactfulltext=phrase">Delivery of Health Care
  • >class="kwd-search" href="/search?fulltext=Obesity&sortspec=date&submit=Submit&andorexactfulltext=phrase">Obesity id="p-5">Despite the well-recognized increase in obesity, weight status is documented for only 1 of 5 obese patients presenting for care.id="xref-ref-1-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-1">1 One in 3 obese adults have not received specific advice from their physician to address their weight.id="xref-ref-2-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-2">2 Complications of obesity make it the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.id="xref-ref-3-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-3">3 Failure to document the patient's weight status is associated with lower rates of physician counseling and recommendations regarding appropriate weight loss.id="xref-ref-1-2" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-1">1 id="p-6">The Military Health System (MHS) uses an integrated electronic medical record (EMR) that records patient height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and International Classification for Disease (ICD-9) code at every clinical encounter. Using this data architecture, we sought to determine how many obese patients had a corresponding (ICD-9) entry for obesity in their medical record.
  • 机译:id =“ p1”> 简介:肥胖是美国主要的健康问题。提供者通常无法记录体重指数(BMI)大于30的患者的肥胖。 id =“ p-2”> 方法:使用结构化数据查询军事医疗系统的电子病历,我们确定了超过300万患者的BMI和相关的国际疾病分类代码的存在。 id =“ p-3”> 结果: 15%的患者(482,628)的BMI超过30。其中BMI超过30,78,776(16%)的患者)在其记录中有相关的国际疾病分类9代码,记录了肥胖症。 id =“ p-4”> 结论:肥胖的编码和文献记录不足。这对提供预防性咨询和减轻肥胖症的上升趋势具有影响。 class =“ kwd-group KWD”>
  • > class =“ kwd-search” href =“ / search?fulltext = Coding&sortspec = date&submit = Submit&andorexactfulltext = phrase“>编码
  • > class =” kwd-search“ href =” / search?fulltext = Delivery + of + Health + Care&sortspec = date&submit = Submit&andorexactfulltext = phrase“>卫生保健的提供
  • > class =” kwd-search“ href = “ / search?fulltext = Obesity&sortspec = date&submit = Submit&andorexactfulltext = phrase”>肥胖症 id =“ p-5”>尽管肥胖已得到公认,记录的体重状况仅代表5位正在接受护理的肥胖患者。 id="xref-ref-1-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-1"> 1 < / a> 三分之一的肥胖成年人没有得到医师的建议以解决体重问题。 id =“ xref-ref-2-1” class =“ xref-bibr” href = “#ref-2“> 2 肥胖症的并发症使其成为Uni可预防死亡的主要原因 id="xref-ref-3-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-3"> 3 无法记录患者的体重状态与医师咨询率和有关适当减肥的建议降低有关。 id="xref-ref-1-2" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-1"> 1 < / a> id =“ p-6”>军事卫生系统(MHS)使用集成的电子病历(EMR)来记录患者身高,体重,体重指数(BMI) ,以及每次临床遇到的国际疾病分类(ICD-9)代码。使用这种数据架构,我们试图确定有多少肥胖患者的病历中有相应的(ICD-9)肥胖条目。
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