首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice >The Relationship Between a Statewide Preceptorship Program and Family Medicine Residency Selection

The Relationship Between a Statewide Preceptorship Program and Family Medicine Residency Selection




id="p1">Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which participation in the California Academy of Family Physicians Foundation Family Medicine (FM) Preceptorship Program, as well as medical school, degree earned, gender, and match year predicted FM residency match. id="p-2">Methods: Allopathic and osteopathic students who applied to the preceptorship program from 1996 to 2002 were followed until residency match. Chi-square (χ2) analysis was used to compare preceptorship participants, nonparticipants (students who applied but did not complete the preceptorship), and nonapplicants (students who did not apply to the preceptorship) for FM match rates and to compare participants to nonparticipants for primary care match rates. FM match data for California schools from 1999 to 2005 were used to perform a logistic regression predicting FM match. id="p-3">Results: Twenty-four percent of participants matched into FM residency programs whereas only 13% of nonparticipants and 13% of nonapplicants selected FM (χ2 = 24.97; P .001). There was not a statistically significant difference between the proportion of participants and nonparticipants who matched into primary care (χ2 = 0.12; P = .73). Odds ratio results of logistic regression for participants compared with nonapplicants matching into FM was 2.7 (95% CI, 2.0–3.6; P .001). id="p-4">Conclusion: Preceptorship program participants were more likely than both nonparticipants and nonapplicants to select a FM residency. id="p-5">Family physicians are important sources for primary care, yet the percentage of US allopathic and osteopathic graduates selecting a residency in family medicine (FM) has declined each year from 1998 to 2007.id="xref-ref-1-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-1">1id="xref-ref-2-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-2">,2 In addition, more internal medicine and pediatric residents are selecting subspecialty residencies.id="xref-ref-1-2" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-1">1id="xref-ref-3-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-3">,3 According to the US Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration and the US Government Accountability Office, the supply of primary care physicians in general, and FM physicians in particular, may be inadequate to meet future needs.id="xref-ref-4-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-4">4id="xref-ref-5-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-5">,5 id="p-6">Programs designed to increase medical students’ interest in primary care may help address this concern. One strategy to boost primary care selection among medical students is based on the premise that early primary care exposure improves the likelihood that students will choose a primary care specialty. To ensure consistent provision of this early exposure, the state of California mandated in 1999 that all allopathic and osteopathic students participate in a 4-week FM clinical core clerkship to be eligible for a physician's and surgeon's license.id="xref-ref-6-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-6">6 Before this mandate, in 1993, the California Academy of Family Physicians Foundation (CAFP-F) established a statewide 4-week preceptorship program for California allopathic and osteopathic students between their first and second years of medical school; the goal of this preceptorship was to increase exposure to a FM career. Other states, including Washington, Tennessee, Texas, Ohio, Minnesota, and Iowa, also offered primary care-related externship/fellowship/preceptorship programs through their medical schools.id="xref-ref-7-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-7">7–12 Although each had a similar goal of influencing student specialty career choice, there was considerable variation in program design, duration, and financing. id="p-7">Preceptorships offer students the experience of shadowing a preceptor, providing opportunities to learn aspects of medicine not available in traditional didactic and school-based environments. To both encourage participation and recognize the time commitment, most preceptorship programs, including the one through CAFP-F, provide stipends to students.id="xref-ref-7-2" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-7">7id="xref-ref-9-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-9">,9id="xref-ref-11-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-11">,11id="xref-ref-13-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-13">,13 Among the programs examined, the preceptorship duration varied from 3 weeks to 9 months, with a mode of 4 weeks.id="xref-ref-7-3" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-7">7–13 Most preceptorship programs noted above required a competitive application process; however, participation in the University of Iowa's program was compulsory and the Universit
机译:id =“ p1”> 目的:本研究的目的是调查参与加州家庭医师学会基金会家庭医学(FM)接纳计划以及医学的程度学校,获得的学位,性别和比赛年份预测的FM居住时间匹配。 id =“ p-2”> 方法:对1996年至2002年期间申请入学指导计划的同种疗法和骨病学生进行跟踪,直到进行居住权匹配。卡方(χ 2 )分析用于比较参加FM比赛的参加者,未参加者(已申请但未完成参加者的学生)和未参加者(未参加接受者的学生)。率,并将参加者与非参加者的初级保健匹配率进行比较。加利福尼亚学校1999年至2005年的FM比赛数据用于进行Logistic回归预测FM比赛。 id =“ p-3”> 结果:有24%的参与者符合FM居住计划,而只有13%的未参加者和13%的未参加者选择了FM(χ< sup> 2 = 24.97; P <.001)。参与初级保健的参与者与非参与者的比例在统计学上没有显着差异(χ 2 = 0.12; P = 0.73)。与不参加FM的非申请人相比,逻辑回归的几率比结果为2.7(95%CI,2.0-3.6; P <.001)。 id =“ p-4”> 结论:与非参加者和非申请者相比,参加准入计划的人更有可能选择FM居住权。 id =“ p-5”>家庭医生是基层医疗的重要来源,但是美国选择同种疗法和整骨疗法的毕业生选择家庭医学(FM)的比例每年都在下降1998年至2007年。 id="xref-ref-1-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-1"> 1 id =“ xref-ref- 2-1“ class =” xref-bibr“ href =”#ref-2“>,2 此外,越来越多的内科和儿科住院医师正在选择专科住院医师。 id =“ xref-ref-1-2” class =“ xref-bibr” href =“#ref-1”> 1 id =“ xref-ref-3-1” class =“ xref-bibr “ href =”#ref-3“>,3 据美国卫生与公共服务部,卫生资源和服务管理局以及美国政府问责办公室称,一般而言,初级保健医生的供应,尤其是FM医生,可能不足以满足未来的需求。 id="xref-ref-4-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-4"> 4 id="xref-ref-5-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-5">,5 id =“ p-6“>旨在提高医学生对初级保健兴趣的计划可能有助于解决这一问题。促进医学生选择初级保健的一种策略是基于这样的前提,即早期接触初级保健可以提高学生选择初级保健专业的可能性。为了确保始终如一地提供这种早期暴露,加利福尼亚州于1999年强制所有同种疗法和骨病疗法学生参加为期4周的FM临床核心业务,以符合医师和外科医生的执照资格。 id =“ xref-ref-6-1“ class =” xref-bibr“ href =”#ref-6“> 6 在此任务发布之前,1993年,加利福尼亚家庭医师学会基金会(CAFP- F)为医学院的一年级和二年级之间的加利福尼亚同种疗法和骨病学生建立了全州为期4周的导师计划;这种领导力的目的是增加对调频职业的了解。其他州,包括华盛顿州,田纳西州,德克萨斯州,俄亥俄州,明尼苏达州和爱荷华州,也通过其医学院提供了与初级保健相关的实习/进修/领班计划。 id =“ xref-ref-7-1” class =“ xref-bibr” href =“#ref-7”> 7–12 尽管每个人都有影响学生专业职业选择的相似目标,但课程设计,持续时间,和融资。 id =“ p-7”> Preceptorships为学生提供了遮盖Preceptor的体验,并提供了学习传统教学和学校环境中不存在的医学方面的机会。为了既鼓励参与又认识到对时间的承诺,大多数主持计划,包括通过CAFP-F举办的计划,都向学生提供津贴。 id =“ xref-ref-7-2” class =“ xref-bibr” href =“#ref-7”> 7 id="xref-ref-9-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-9">,9 < id =“ xref-ref-11-1” class =“ xref-bibr” href =“#ref-11”>,11 id =“ xref-ref-13-1” class =“ xref-bibr“ href =”#ref-13“>,13 在所检查的程序中,受训时间从3周到9个月不等,为4周。 < id =“ xref-ref-7-3” class =“ xref-bibr” href =“#ref-7”> 7-13 上面提到的大多数授权计划都需要竞争性的申请流程;但是,必须参加爱荷华大学的计划,



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