
Early and Medium Term Results of the Sleeve Valve-Sparing Procedure for Aortic Root Ectasia




Surgical TechniqueEchocardiographic Follow-UpStatistical AnalysisResultsThe aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate our experience of using a simplified aortic valve sleeve procedure to treat aortic root ectasia and aneurysms with or without aortic regurgitation. In experienced hands, 2 aortic valve-sparing procedures, ie, Yacoub and David, have yielded excellent long-term results in the treatment of aortic root aneurysms, with or without aortic regurgitation. However, these techniques are demanding and not widely used. Recently, a new and simplified valve-sparing technique, named “sleeve procedure,” has been proposed, and has yielded encouraging early results.MethodsNinety consecutive patients with aortic root aneurysms underwent sleeve procedures from October 2006 to October 2012. Follow-up data (clinical 100% complete and echocardiographic 93% complete) were acquired from our outpatient clinic or from the referring cardiologist.ResultsThe mean age of the patients was 61.5 ± 12.5 years, 79% were male, 16 (18%) had a bicuspid valve, 3?had Marfan syndrome, and 2 had aortic dissection. Over a mean clinical follow-up of 34 ± 19 months, 2 patients died from noncardiac causes and 1 was reoperated on for the recurrence of aortic regurgitation. On follow-up echocardiography after a mean of 18 ± 9 months, aortic regurgitation was absentegligible, mild or moderate in 62%, 37%, and 1% of patients, respectively, and the diameters of the annulus, Valsalva sinuses, and sinotubular junction were 27.3?+ 2.2, 37.0?+ 3.4, and 30.6?+?3.1 mm, respectively.ConclusionsOur encouraging early and medium term results suggest that the sleeve procedure is a safe and effective aortic valve-sparing technique for the treatment of aortic root ectasia and aneurysm. However, longer follow-up is needed in order to draw definitive conclusions.CTSNet classification:26, 35In the last 3 decades, aortic root aneurysms, with or without aortic regurgitation (AR), have been treated by means of so-called “valve-sparing procedures” [
机译:外科技术超声心动图随访统计分析结果本项回顾性研究的目的是评估我们使用简化的主动脉瓣袖手术治疗主动脉根部扩张和动脉瘤伴或不伴主动脉瓣返流的经验。在有经验的人手中,有或没有主动脉瓣返流的2种主动脉瓣保留程序,即Yacoub和David,在治疗主动脉根部动脉瘤方面取得了优异的长期效果。然而,这些技术是苛刻的并且未被广泛使用。最近,已经提出了一种新的简化的瓣膜保留技术,称为“袖套手术”,并取得了令人鼓舞的早期结果。方法自2006年10月至2012年10月,对90例连续的主动脉根部动脉瘤患者进行了袖套手术。随访数据(结果:患者的平均年龄为61.5±12.5岁,平均年龄为61.5±12.5岁,男性为79%,双尖瓣为16(18%),3为临床100%完全,超声心动图为93%(完全)。患有马凡氏综合征,其中2例患有主动脉夹层。在平均34±19个月的临床随访中,有2例患者死于非心脏原因,其中1例因主动脉瓣反流复发而再次手术。在平均18±9个月后进行超声心动图检查时,分别有62%,37%和1%的患者主动脉瓣关闭不全/可忽略,轻度或中度,以及瓣环直径,Valsalva鼻窦直径和鼻管交界处分别为27.3?+2.2、37.0?+ 3.4和30.6?+?3.1 mm。结论我们令人鼓舞的早期和中期结果表明,套管手术是一种安全有效的主动脉瓣保留技术根扩张和动脉瘤。然而,需要更长的随访时间才能得出明确的结论。CTSNet分类:26,35在过去的三十年中,通过或不通过主动脉瓣关闭不全(AR)来治疗主动脉根部动脉瘤-保留程序” [


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