首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of general physiology >Filament interaction monitored by light scattering in skinned fibers.

Filament interaction monitored by light scattering in skinned fibers.




The intensity of light scattered by chemically skinned rabbit psoas fibers in relaxed, rigor, and activated states was monitored at 90 degrees to the incident beam. In the relaxed state, scattering varied in proportion to the volume of muscle in the beam. Scattering increased to 2.3 times the resting value when rigor was induced by withdrawal of MgATP or when the myofibrils were activated by the caffeine-induced release of Ca from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The rigor-induced increase in scattering decreased monotonically when MgATP was reintroduced stepwise (0-100 microM). This decrease in scattering was accompanied by an increase in tension up to an optimum MgATP level of approximately 10 microM, and then tension decreased at higher concentrations (10-100 microM). The increase in scattering during both rigor and activation was dependent upon fiber length. At lengths when thick-thin filament overlap was near zero, the light signal due to rigor and activation fell to within 10% of the signal for the relaxed fiber at that length. The signal during rigor increased only minimally (approximately 10%) when stretch (approximately 1%) was applied. This increase in signal was small despite a measured 5- to 10-fold increase in tension and an estimated twofold increase in stiffness. Thus, the increased light scattering caused by rigor and activation depends on filament overlap and not tension, stiffness, or substrate binding.
机译:在与入射光束成90度的情况下,对以化学方式剥皮的兔腰大肌纤维在放松,严格和激活状态下散射的光强度进行监测。在松弛状态下,散射与束中肌肉的体积成比例地变化。当MgATP撤出引起严谨时,或因咖啡因诱导从肌质网中释放Ca而激活肌原纤维时,散射增加到静止值的2.3倍。当逐步重新引入MgATP(0-100 microM)时,由严格引起的散射增加单调减少。散射的减少伴随着张力的增加,直至约10 microM的最佳MgATP水平,然后在较高浓度(10-100 microM)时张力降低。在严格和激活期间散射的增加取决于纤维长度。在细丝重叠部分接近零的长度处,由于严格和激活引起的光信号下降到该长度处松弛光纤信号的10%以内。施加拉伸(大约1%)时,严格过程中的信号仅略微增加(大约10%)。尽管测得的张力增加了5到10倍,而刚度估计增加了2倍,但信号的增加很小。因此,由严格和激活引起的增加的光散射取决于灯丝的重叠,而不取决于张力,刚度或基体粘合。



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