
Ketamine Induced Seizures




10 year old, 25 kg boy posted for tonsillectomy had no past history of convulsions to him or any other of his family member. He was administered Inj. Ketamine 100mg along with Inj. Glycopylorrate 0.2mg IM pre-operatively in pre-op room as premedication. In less than 5minutes patient developed Generalized tonic and clonic seizures. His airway was maintained along with oxygen supplementation and IV line secured to administered Inj. Midazolam 1mg IV bolus. Seizures abolished and Endotracheal intubation was done. Intraoperative and Post operative course including extubation was uneventful. Ketamine has been implicated as having proconvulsant as well as anti-convulsant activity. Our experience prompted us to believe that ketamine may not be a safe drug as premedication outside Operation theatre and an alternative anesthetic drug may be considered.Seizures in the perioperative period can be due to a number of factors. Various clinical reports described both proconvulsant and anticonvulsant properties for many anesthetic agents. We report a case of perioperative Generalised Tonic Clonic seizure with the use of intramuscular ketamine given as premedication in a case of tonsillectomy.
机译:10岁,体重25公斤的男孩因进行扁桃体切除术而没有对他或他的家人的任何抽搐史。他被注射了。氯胺酮100毫克与注射剂。术前在术前室使用格列溴酸盐0.2mg IM进行术前用药。在不到5分钟的时间内,患者出现了全身性强直和阵挛性癫痫发作。维持他的气道,并补充氧气,并将静脉输液管固定在注射的注射液上。咪达唑仑1mg静脉推注。癫痫发作消失,气管插管完成。包括拔管在内的术中和术后过程均顺利进行。氯胺酮被认为具有前惊厥活性和抗惊厥活性。我们的经验促使我们相信,氯胺酮可能不是安全的药物,因为在手术室外进行处方治疗可能会考虑使用麻醉药替代药物。围手术期发作可能是由于多种因素引起的。各种临床报告都描述了许多麻醉剂的前惊厥和抗惊厥特性。我们报告了一例围手术期全身性强直性阵挛性癫痫发作,在扁桃体切除术中使用了肌内氯胺酮作为前药。



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