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An insight into the ethical issues related to in vitro fertilization




Science is like a never ending flow of river. It keeps on updating, renovating and reinventing itself every moment and delights us with new sophisticated technology which provides us the options which never existed before. But the fact that a certain procedure is technologically possible does not make it ethically right. There are some speed breakers where we should stop and analyze about the deep social impact of the latest developed technology before embracing it with open arms. In vitro fertilization technique is such a double edged sword. Here I have focused on some of the important ethical issues which compel us to think to draw a boundary on the random application of the useful technologies. Introduction The new reproductive technologies have spawned new ethical concerns. These are controversial subjects, which have attracted wide media attention and public debate. Allegorical work of Huxley “Brave New World” has become almost prophetic in some of its dire predictions about in vitro fertilization and cloning. However, the law and public opinion all over the world have lagged behind the advances in artificial conception which have created a “brave new world” of possibilities of giving birth, never before considered possible - using a mix and match combination of sperms, eggs and uteri.Infertility sometimes play havoc on a couple's life and compel them to see themselves as a failure to” 'be fruitful and multiply'. According to the National Center of Health Statistics and the World Health Organization (WHO) between 8-10% of couples in the industrialized countries have reproductive problems. As problems of infertility and sterility become more common, people are turning to science for solutions and no amount of failures can deter them from trying any possible mean of satisfying their creative urge, the urge of giving birth that is deeply entrenched in their hearts as it has been rightly said that “Three things are never satisfied; four never say, “Enough”: Sheol, the barren womb, the earth ever thirsty for water, and the fire that never says, “Enough.” After the initial enthusiasm, however, in many European countries society realized that, concomitant with the great advances, limitations had to be established. From the beginning of this new therapeutic approach, Edwards [1], who was the pioneer of art, emphasized the importance of resolving the ethical issues involved. Since 1978, when the world's first in vitro fertilization (IVF) baby Louise Brown was born with the expertise and assistance of Drs. Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards, the world has seen a rapidly increasing array of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). In 2001, >270 000 cycles of clinical infertility treatments occurred in Europe alone (ESHRE, 2005). With trends through out the globe toward more women working, later marriages and delayed child bearing, more couples desiring children are discovering that they cannot conceive naturally. As IVF becomes more successful, more accessible, and perhaps less expensive, more couples will consider the option of initiating pregnancy through the use of this technology. The original fear that babies fertilized in vitro would be abnormal, has not been substantiated by the early statistics and concerns now center on the complex philosophical, religious, legal and social issues surrounding the use of assisted reproduction. The increasing availability of assisted reproduction technology during the past 20 years has received a lot of public attention because of the ethical implications and thus needs to be scrutinized carefully,The process of IVFWhen couples are unable to achieve coital pregnancy, they often turn to assisted reproductive technologies. A popular assisted reproductive technology is in vitro fertilization (IVF).In the simplest case, a woman is given a course of hormone treatments to cause her ovaries to produce multiple eggs. The eggs are surgically removed just prior to ovulation. They are then placed in a
机译:科学就像永无止境的河流。它随时都在不断更新,翻新和重新发明自己,并以新的尖端技术使我们感到高兴,该技术为我们提供了前所未有的选择。但是,某种程序在技术上是可行的,这在道德上并不正确。在张开双臂拥抱新的技术之前,我们应该停下来一些减速器,分析它们对社会的深远影响。体外受精技术就是这样的一把双刃剑。在这里,我集中讨论了一些重要的道德问题,这些问题迫使我们考虑对有用技术的随机应用划分界限。简介新的生殖技术催生了新的伦理问题。这些都是有争议的主题,已经引起了媒体的广泛关注和公众辩论。赫x黎“勇敢的新世界”的寓言作品在关于体外受精和克隆的一些可怕预测中几乎已经成为预言。但是,全世界的法律和公众舆论都落后于人工受孕的进展,而人工受孕的发展创造了一个“勇敢的新世界”,使人们有可能以前所未有的方式使用精子,卵子和卵子的混合体来生出分娩的可能性。有时,不孕症对夫妻的生活造成严重破坏,迫使他们将自己视为无法“富有成果和繁衍”。根据国家卫生统计中心和世界卫生组织(WHO)的数据,工业化国家中8-10%的夫妇有生殖问题。随着不育和不育的问题变得越来越普遍,人们正在寻求科学的解决方案,而失败的失败并不能阻止他们尝试任何可能的方式来满足他们的创造力,即分娩的根深蒂固。正确地说,“三件事永远不会满足;有四个人永远不会说:“足够”:Sheol,贫瘠的子宫,永远渴求水的地球和永不说“足够”的火。然而,在最初的热情之后,在许多欧洲国家,社会意识到随着巨大的进步,必须建立局限性。从这种新的治疗方法开始,作为艺术先驱的爱德华兹[1]强调解决所涉及的道德问题的重要性。自1978年以来,世界上第一个体外受精(IVF)婴儿路易斯·布朗就在Drs的专业知识和协助下出生。帕特里克·斯特普托(Patrick Steptoe)和罗伯特·爱德华兹(Robert Edwards),世界范围内辅助生殖技术(ART)的数量迅速增加。 2001年,仅在欧洲就发生了超过270 000周期的临床不育治疗(ESHRE,2005)。随着全球趋势,越来越多的妇女工作,晚婚和生育延迟,越来越多的渴望孩子的夫妇发现她们无法自然受孕。随着试管婴儿变得越来越成功,更容易获得并且也许价格更低,越来越多的夫妇将考虑通过使用该技术开始妊娠的选择。最初对婴儿体外受精的担心是不正常的,早期的统计并不能证明这一点,现在的关注点集中在围绕使用辅助生殖的复杂的哲学,宗教,法律和社会问题上。在过去的20年中,由于道德的影响,辅助生殖技术的日益普及引起了公众的广泛关注,因此需要仔细检查。体外受精的过程当夫妻无法实现性交妊娠时,他们通常会转向辅助生殖。技术。一种流行的辅助生殖技术是体外受精(IVF)。在最简单的情况下,对妇女进行一系列激素治疗,使其卵巢产生多个卵。排卵前要通过手术将卵去除。然后将它们放置在



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