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Somatostatin Receptor Imaging In Recurrent Medullary Thyroid Cancer




This study was performed to evaluate the clinical value of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) in the diagnostic management of patients having recurrent medullary thyroid cancer (MTC).In 22 patients with recurrent MTC after primary surgical intervention, 33 SRS were performed. Planar imaging was carried after i.v. administration of 180 MBq of [111In]-DTPA-D-Phe1-octreotide (Octreoscan?), SPET of the neck and thoracic regions. The scintigraphical results were compared with the tumor markers human calcitonin (hCT), CEA, other imaging methods, histological findings, and clinical follow-up.In 36% (8/22) of the cases, SRS was concordant to the defined gold standard in the detection or exclusion of tumor tissue. If patients with liver metastases are excluded, SRS was positive in hCT levels >6.4 ng/ml and in hCT/CEA ratios >0.38.SRS can only be recommended to clear up equivocal findings especially in patients having sufficiently elevated titers of hCT levels and hCT/CEA ratios. Introduction Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) originates in the calcitonin-secreting cells of the thyroid gland and represents 4-9% [1] of thyroid carcinomas. In 75% of the patients, the sporadic form of the disease can be observed whereas the remaining 25% have the hereditary form [2, 3]. Up to now, the genetic defects could be detected on the chromosome 10q11.2 [4].Human calcitonin (hCT) has been proven as the most reliable marker for primary, residual and recurrent medullary thyroid carcinoma [5, 6]. In this context, the pentagastrine-test is an important diagnostic tool.An exact determination of the tumor spread is mandatory because surgery is the only curative treatment modality with a five-year-survival rate of 70% [7], but only about a half of the patients will be primarily in remission after total thyroidectomy and neck dissection [8,9,10,11,12]. This is caused by the early nodal spread which is reported in 35 % of the patients [13, 14], the presence of distant metastases in 10-20% of the patients at the time of diagnosis, and the resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy [15].By autoradiographical methods the presence of positive somatostatin receptor staining has been reported in 40%-60% of primary medullary thyroid cancers [16]. Previously published sensitivities of in-vivo SRS are varying between 57% and 72% [17,18,19,20,21]. With regard to these differences and to the relatively high costs of SRS (comparing to CT and MRT) we want to report our results of SRS imaging in patients having recurrent MTC and compare those findings with other localization procedures, pathological and biochemical assessment. Patients and Methods Patients22 patients (8 female, 14 male, age 32-73 yrs. (mean: 51.3, SD: 12.1 yrs.) with suspicion of recurrent MTC after primary surgical intervention underwent 33 SRS examinations. 18 patients suffered from the sporadic and 4 from the hereditary form of the disease (Tab. 1). Because the extent of surgical intervention has influence on SRS findings, the collective of patients was divided into three groups: Group 1 (n=8):patients treated by thyroidectomy alone Group 2 (n=11):patients who received additional neck dissection Group 3 (n=3):patients treated as Group 2 with additional mediastinal resection of lymphatic metastases
机译:本研究旨在评估生长抑素受体闪烁体显像(SRS)在复发性甲状腺髓样癌(MTC)患者诊断管理中的临床价值。在22例初次手术干预后复发的MTC患者中,进行了3​​3例SRS。静脉成像后进行平面成像给予180 MBq的[111In] -DTPA-D-Phe1-奥曲肽(Octreoscan?),颈部和胸部SPET。将闪烁显像结果与人类降钙素(hCT),CEA,其他影像学方法,组织学发现和临床随访的肿瘤标志物进行比较。在36%(8/22)的病例中,SRS符合既定的金标准在检测或排除肿瘤组织中。如果排除肝转移患者,则hRS水平> 6.4 ng / ml和hCT / CEA比> 0.38时SRS呈阳性。仅建议使用SRS来消除模棱两可的发现,尤其是在hCT水平和hCT滴度足够高的患者中/ CEA比率。简介甲状腺髓样癌(MTC)起源于甲状腺降钙素分泌细胞,占甲状腺癌的4-9%[1]。在75%的患者中,可以观察到散发性疾病,而其余25%的患者是遗传性疾病[2,3]。迄今为止,可以在10q11.2染色体上检测到遗传缺陷[4]。人降钙素(hCT)已被证明是原发性,残留性和复发性甲状腺髓样癌的最可靠标志[5,6]。在这种情况下,戊他汀试验是一种重要的诊断工具。必须准确确定肿瘤的扩散,因为手术是唯一的治愈方法,其五年生存率达到70%[7],但只有大约一半的患者将在全甲状腺切除术和颈清扫术后主要缓解[8,9,10,11,12]。这是由于35%的患者出现早期淋巴结扩散[13,14],诊断时10-20%的患者存在远处转移以及对化学疗法和放射疗法的抵抗[ 15]。通过放射自显影方法,已有40%-60%的甲状腺原发性甲状腺癌报告有生长抑素受体阳性染色[16]。先前发表的体内SRS敏感性在57%和72%之间变化[17,18,19,20,21]。关于这些差异以及相对较高的SRS费用(与CT和MRT相比),我们希望报告复发性MTC患者的SRS成像结果,并将这些发现与其他定位程序,病理和生化评估相比较。患者和方法患者22例(女性8例,男性14例,年龄32-73岁(平均:51.3,SD:12.1岁))因初次手术干预而怀疑复发性MTC接受了33例SRS检查,其中18例患有散发性由于疾病的遗传形式(表1)中有4个,由于手术干预的程度对SRS的发现有影响,因此将患者群体分为三组:第1组(n = 8):仅接受甲状腺切除术治疗的患者2(n = 11):接受了附加颈淋巴清扫术的患者第3组(n = 3):被视为第2组并进行了纵隔淋巴结清扫术的患者



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