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Osteoclast-Like Giant Cell Tumor Of The Liver: A Case Report And Literature Review




Osteoclast-like giant cell tumor (OGCT) of the liver is a rare tumor; only eight cases have been reported in the western literature. Herein is a review of the clinical and histological presentations of nine cases of OGCT; the ninth case is derived from an autopsy at our institution. The histological findings include benign multinucleate giant cells, and malignant pleomorphic mononuclear cells, with or without the classic hepatocellular carcinoma cells. The giant cells have a reactive nature akin to the giant cells associated with giant cell tumor of the bone, and they are positive for CD-68 and are nonreactive with cytokeratin and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA). The mononuclear cells are positive for cytokeratin and EMA but are negative for CD-68. The mononuclear cells can have sarcomatoid morphology. In our case, we observed multinucleate cells in association with the primary lesion and lung metastasis but not in the lymph node metastasis. Osteoclast-like giant cell tumors are rare tumors and have been reported in many organs, including ovary1, pancreas2, and urinary tract3. Only eight cases of osteoclast-like giant cell tumor (OGCT) of the liver have been reported in the western literature, most of which have consisted of biopsies or resection specimens with limited clinical and histologic information. Report of A Case A 65 year-old male presented with general weakness and right upper quadrant pain for two weeks. He had a past medical history of hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, and congestive heart failure. On physical examination, he had jaundice, abdominal distension and hepatomegaly. The significant laboratory findings included blood glucose 320 grams/dL, total bilirubin 2.7 mg/dL, GGT 122 U/dL, AST 97 U/dL, LDH 1156 u/dL, markedly elevated AFP 24,179 ng/dL, positive antibody for hepatitis C, and negative serology for hepatitis B. A CT scan at that time showed a large mass in the right hepatic lobe measuring 9.0 cm in greatest diameter. The diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma was rendered clinically; however, the patient was lost to follow-up before a tissue biopsy could be performed. One month later, due to increasing abdominal discomfort, the patient visited the emergency room, and a repeat CT showed significant enlargement of the liver mass and increasing ascites. The patient was admitted and an ultrasound guided biopsy was planned. Five days after admission, he suddenly developed hypovolemic shock and expired in spite of resuscitative measures. Pathologic Findings A complete autopsy was performed. The patient's abdomen was tense and markedly distended; it measured 147 cm in circumference. More than five liters of bloody fluid and blood clots were found in the peritoneal cavity. A ruptured, large, necrotic hepatic mass located in the right lobe of the liver measured 13 x 12 x 12 cm. The rupture and massive bleeding were the direct cause of the sudden death. Several necrotic satellite nodules were noted around the main mass. Tumor thrombi were present in the portal and hepatic veins. Many regional lymph nodes were enlarged and grossly replaced by tumor. Bilateral lungs showed necrotic metastases. Other organs were not involved by metastatic lesions. The rest of the liver was cirrhotic, and the 370 gram enlarged spleen showed passive congestion.Microscopic examination of the liver confirmed the macronodular cirrhosis. The majority of the sections from the hepatic mass showed extensive coagulative necrosis and tumor ghost cells and a few viable foci composed of benign osteoclast-like giant cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and a variable number of nuclei, mixed with malignant pleomorphic mononuclear cells (Figure 1. a).
机译:肝脏的破骨细胞样巨细胞瘤(OGCT)是一种罕见的肿瘤。西方文献只报道了八例。本文回顾了9例OGCT的临床和组织学表现。第九种情况来自我们机构的尸检。组织学结果包括良性多核巨细胞和恶性多形性单核细胞,有或没有经典的肝细胞癌细胞。巨细胞具有类似于与骨巨细胞瘤相关的巨细胞的反应性,并且它们对CD-68呈阳性,与细胞角蛋白和上皮膜抗原(EMA)不反应。单核细胞对细胞角蛋白和EMA呈阳性,但对CD-68呈阴性。单核细胞可具有肉瘤样形态。在我们的案例中,我们观察到与原发灶和肺转移有关的多核细胞,但与淋巴结转移无关。破骨细胞样巨细胞瘤是罕见的肿瘤,在许多器官中都有报道,包括卵巢1,胰腺2和泌尿道3。西方文献中仅报道了八例肝脏的破骨细胞样巨细胞瘤(OGCT),其中大多数由活检或切除标本组成,临床和组织学信息有限。病例报告一名65岁男性表现出全身无力和右上腹疼痛两周。他曾经有丙型肝炎,肝硬化,糖尿病和充血性心力衰竭的病史。经身体检查,他患有黄疸,腹胀和肝肿大。实验室的重要发现包括血糖320克/分升,总胆红素2.7毫克/分升,GGT 122尿/分升,AST 97尿/分升,LDH 1156尿/分升,AFP显着升高24,179 ng /分升,丙型肝炎抗体阳性,以及乙型肝炎的阴性血清学。当时的CT扫描显示,右肝叶的最大肿块直径最大为9.0 cm。肝细胞癌的诊断已在临床上进行;但是,患者无法进行组织活检。一个月后,由于腹部不适加剧,患者前往急诊室就诊,再次CT显示肝脏肿块明显增大,腹水增加。患者入院,并计划进行超声引导下的活检。入院五天后,他突然出现了低血容量性休克,尽管采取了复苏措施,但死亡了。病理结果进行了完整的尸检。病人的腹部紧绷,明显张开。圆周长147厘米。在腹膜腔中发现了超过五升的血性液体和血块。位于肝右叶的破裂大块坏死性肝块,大小为13 x 12 x 12 cm。破裂和大量出血是猝死的直接原因。在主要肿块周围发现了几个坏死的卫星结节。在门静脉和肝静脉中存在肿瘤血栓。许多区域淋巴结肿大并被肿瘤完全取代。双侧肺显示坏死转移。其他器官未受转移性病变的累及。肝脏的其余部分为肝硬化,并且370克的脾脏肿大显示为被动充血。肝脏镜检证实为大结节性肝硬化。肝肿块的大部分切片显示广泛的凝固性坏死和肿瘤虚影细胞,以及少数由良性破骨细胞样巨细胞组成的活灶,其具有丰富的嗜酸性细胞质和可变数量的核,并混有恶性多形单核细胞(图1 。 一种)。



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