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Usefulness Of Touch Preparation Cytology In Postmortem Diagnosis: A Study From The University Hospital Of The West Indies




Touch preparation or imprint cytology has been shown to be of value in the diagnosis of surgical pathology specimens and a few studies have also suggested a role in postmortem examination. The use of the technique in postmortem diagnosis has not been previously reported from a developing country. We prospectively examined 40 autopsy cases (M:F ratio 1.2:1, mean age 50.7 +/- 22.3 years) at the University Hospital of the West Indies with touch preparation cytology in addition to routine histology. A total of 120 specimens were obtained from a wide range of organs with the cytologic diagnosis being malignant in most cases (75 %); the overall concordance between cytologic and histologic diagnoses was 92.2%. Touch preparation cytology proved to be an accurate, simple, fast and relatively inexpensive method of postmortem diagnosis, and is likely to be of particular value in areas where cost-containment is critical. Introduction In a landmark paper published in 1927, Dudgeon and Patrick first described the use of imprint smears of fresh tissues in the rapid microscopical diagnosis of tumours 1. Subsequently, various publications have addressed the application of imprint or touch preparation cytology in the diagnosis of surgical specimens including intraoperative diagnosis 2,3,4,5,6,7. The application of the technique in postmortem examinations has received far less attention, although the few publications on the subject have noted its potential value including much cheaper preparation costs relative to routine histologic sections 8,9,10.The use of touch preparation cytology in postmortem diagnosis has not been previously reported from a developing country, and in an era in which cost-containment has become a critical factor in the operation of medical facilities in regions such as ours, we sought to investigate the diagnostic accuracy and usefulness of touch preparation smears in postmortem examinations at the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI). Material and Methods In a prospective study performed at the UHWI between May 1999 and November 2001, 40 autopsy cases (15 medicolegal/coroner’s and 25 hospitalon-coroner’s cases) were subjected to cytologic evaluation in addition to routine histology. The study investigators were notified by pathology residents when autopsies were being performed on patients with mass lesions or suspected tumours amenable to touch preparation cytology smears. Relevant clinical and gross autopsy findings were recorded using a pre-designed abstraction form. A total of 120 specimens were obtained from various sites as shown in Table 1. The slides were prepared either by making direct imprints of the cut surface of the selected tissue, or by scraping the cut surface with an edge of a glass slide prior to imprinting, the latter technique being used for firm to hard tissues including bone marrow to facilitate cell removal 9. The slides were then placed immediately in 95% ethyl alcohol and stained by the routine Papanicolaou method. In some cases immediate assessment of the smears was also performed using a rapid Papanicolaou method 11, with the rapid diagnosis facilitating the immediate sampling of additional organs.Tissue sections were also taken for histologic evaluation in most cases; bone marrow sections were not taken. The tissue sections were fixed in 10% buffered formalin, routinely processed, embedded in paraffin, and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Immunohistochemical studies were performed for cases diagnosed microscopically as malignant lymphoma using a modified avidin-biotin peroxidase complex (ABC) method with a panel of standard lymphoma antibodies.Cytologic diagnoses were classified as benign, indeterminate, suspicious for malignancy and malignant. Due to the nature of the sampling i.e. smears of the surfaces of whole masses/organs, there were no inadequate samples. The overall concordance between cytologic and histologic diagnoses was determined. Results The 40 patients included in the
机译:触摸准备或烙印细胞学检查已显示出对手术病理学标本的诊断价值,一些研究也提示了死后检查的作用。以前尚未从发展中国家报告过该技术在死后诊断中的使用。我们前瞻性地在西印度大学医院检查了40例尸检病例(男:女比率为1.2:1,平均年龄50.7 +/- 22.3岁),除常规组织学外还进行了触摸式细胞学检查。从广泛的器官中总共获得了120个标本,在大多数情况下,细胞学诊断为恶性(75%)。细胞学和组织学诊断的总体一致性为92.2%。触摸准备细胞学被证明是一种准确,简单,快速且相对廉价的死后诊断方法,并且在成本控制至关重要的领域可能具有特殊价值。引言在1927年发表的具有里程碑意义的论文中,Dudgeon和Patrick首先描述了新鲜组织的压印涂片在肿瘤1的快速显微镜诊断中的用途。随后,各种出版物提出了压印或触摸制备细胞学在外科手术诊断中的应用。标本包括术中诊断2、3、4、5、6、7。该技术在验尸中的应用受到的关注很少,尽管有关该主题的少数出版物已经指出了其潜在价值,包括相对于常规组织学切片8,9,10而言便宜得多的制备成本。以前从未有来自发展中国家的诊断报告,并且在一个成本控制已成为诸如我们这样的地区的医疗机构运营中至关重要的时代,我们寻求调查触摸准备涂片的诊断准确性和有用性在西印度大学医院(UHWI)进行的验尸检查中。资料和方法在1999年5月至2001年11月间在超高净值人士进行的一项前瞻性研究中,除常规组织学检查外,还对40例尸检病例(15例法医/验尸官和25例医院/非验尸官)进行了细胞学评估。当对具有大面积病变或可触及制备细胞学涂片的疑似肿瘤的患者进行尸检时,病理研究人员会通知研究人员。使用预先设计的抽象表格记录相关的临床和大体尸检结果。如表1所示,从不同的位置总共获得了120个样本。通过对所选组织的切面进行直接压印,或在压印之前用载玻片的边缘刮擦切面来制备载玻片,后一种技术用于固定包括骨髓在内的硬组织以促进细胞去除。9.然后将载玻片立即置于95%乙醇中,并通过常规的Papanicolaou方法染色。在某些情况下,还可以使用快速的Papanicolaou方法11对涂片进行即时评估,快速诊断有助于立即对其他器官进行采样。在大多数情况下,还需要进行组织切片以进行组织学评估。未取骨髓切片。将组织切片固定在10%福尔马林缓冲液中,常规处理,包埋在石蜡中,并用苏木精-曙红染色。使用改良的抗生物素蛋白-生物素过氧化物酶复合物(ABC)方法和一组标准淋巴瘤抗体,对在显微镜下诊断为恶性淋巴瘤的病例进行免疫组织化学研究。细胞学诊断分为良性,不确定,可疑恶性和恶性。由于取样的性质,即整个肿块/器官表面的涂片,所以没有不充分的样品。确定了细胞学诊断与组织学诊断之间的总体一致性。结果40例患者入选了



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