
Transdermal Opioid Asymmetry




The conjunction of genetic variability in both opioid action and the system for the recognition and transmission of painful stimuli together with the natural asymmetry of the human body can explain some observed differences in response to transdermal opioids which has clinical implications and further emphasises the importance of individualised treatment Background MechanismsPain systems rely upon inputs received from the peripheral terminations of nociceptors feeding into the dorsal horn there involving second order neurones and the input is modulated to determine what is transmitted centrally. The process of nociception is also modulated at the peripheral nerve terminals themselves.Opioid receptors are located throughout the central and peripheral nervous system allowing binding of opioids to their receptors in dorsal root ganglia, central terminals of primary afferent neurones and peripheral sensory nerve fibres together with their terminals. Once occupied by an agonist the neuronal opioid receptors attenuate the response of the nociceptive input terminal and propagation of the action potential.Peripheral opioid receptors (POR) mediate the analgesic effects of exogenous opioids locally applied; mu(μ), delta(δ) and kappa(κ) are all represented. On peripheral nerves sensory nerve impulses are modulated in a similar way to those centrally located and mu opioid receptors are present in the epidermal and dermal layers of normal skin. Though demonstrable, the response is variable which may be due to the actual number of opioid receptors. Opioid receptors which are not normally abundant (as prior to an acute pain) are increased on peripheral nerve terminals by inflammation and in chronic pain (1,2).Analgesia is subject to the influence of an important genetic element. Within the human mu(μ) opioid receptor itself lies the pharmacogenetic variability of the clinical effects of opioid analgesics modulating their effect through altered opioid binding and signalling thereby influencing the response to nociceptive stimuli. Some genes involved in this differing processing of nociceptive stimuli and response to opioids have been identified. Inter-individual variability through genetic mechanisms in pain perception and processing, the clinical effects of opioids and individual differences in opioid sensitivity can result (3,4).AsymmetryWe now recognise that humans, as other animals, exhibit an asymmetry with left and right halves being demonstrably different. Animal evolution led to the emergence of the bilateral body plan followed by the activation of specific genes on one side but not on the other. After the stabilization of these differences they are translated into asymmetric organ development. The human brain itself has many asymmetrical features (5). Transdermal opioid Transdermal delivery of opioid is unique in that the patch is applied to one or other side of the body to gain access to the circulation with the product needing to pass through all the layers and the constituent components of intact skin. Transdermal opioids are of increasing popularity with a range of available products. Transdermal formulations of fentanyl have analgesic efficacy which has not been demonstrated to be due to a peripheral opioid analgesic effect at the site of application (2). Transdermal formulations of buprenorphine are also efficacious but this is clinically perhaps less predictable than would be expected from the standard calculated dose equivalence and, in addition, patients report difficulty with the application of the delivery system and reactions to the adhesive (6) Objective After two patients volunteered the information that they derived no benefit from the transdermal opioid if the delivery system was applied to one side of the body rather than the other it was appropriate to determine whether this variability of response might be a more widespread problem. Method To ascertain the frequency of this occurrence in a general population with c
机译:阿片类药物作用的遗传变异性与疼痛刺激的识别和传递系统以及人体的自然不对称性的结合,可以解释观察到的对经皮阿片类药物反应的某些差异,这具有临床意义,并进一步强调了个体化的重要性治疗背景机理疼痛系统依赖于从伤害感受器的周边终端接收的输入,该感受器馈入涉及二阶神经元的背角,并且调制输入以确定集中传输的内容。伤害感受的过程也在末梢神经末梢本身受到调节。阿片受体遍布中枢和末梢神经系统,使阿片类药物与其背根神经节,初级传入神经元和末梢感觉神经纤维的末梢结合。他们的终端。一旦被激动剂占据,神经元阿片受体会减弱伤害性输入终端的反应和动作电位的传播。外围阿片受体(POR)介导局部应用的外源阿片类药物的镇痛作用。 mu(μ),delta(δ)和kappa(κ)均被表示。在周围神经上,感觉神经冲动以与位于中央的类似的方式被调节,并且在正常皮肤的表皮层和真皮层中存在μ阿片样受体。尽管可以证明,但反应是可变的,这可能是由于阿片受体的实际数量所致。在炎症和慢性疼痛中,通常不丰富的阿片受体(在急性疼痛之前)会在周围神经末梢增加(1,2)。镇痛受重要遗传因素的影响。在人类mu(μ)阿片受体本身中,存在阿片类镇痛药临床作用的药理遗传学变异性,通过改变阿片类药物的结合和信号传导来调节其作用,从而影响对伤害性刺激的反应。已经确定了与伤害性刺激的这种不同加工和对阿片样物质的反应有关的一些基因。通过疼痛和感知过程中遗传机制的个体间差异,阿片类药物的临床效果以及阿片类药物敏感性的个体差异可能会导致这种差异(3,4)。不对称我们现在认识到,人类和其他动物一样,表现出左右半部的不对称性。明显不同。动物的进化导致了双边身体计划的出现,随后一方面激活了特定基因,另一方面却没有激活。这些差异稳定后,它们转化为不对称器官发育。人脑本身具有许多不对称特征(5)。阿片类药物的透皮递送阿片类药物的透皮递送是独特的,因为将贴剂应用到身体的一侧或另一侧以进入循环,产品需要穿过完整皮肤的所有层和组成成分。透皮阿片类药物在一系列可用产品中越来越受欢迎。芬太尼的经皮制剂具有镇痛作用,但尚未证明是由于在应用部位具有外周阿片样物质的镇痛作用(2)。丁丙诺啡的透皮制剂也有效,但临床上可能比标准计算的剂量当量所预期的要难预测,此外,患者报告了递送系统的应用和对胶粘剂的反应困难(6)目的两剂后患者自愿提供的信息是,如果将递送系统应用于身体的一侧而不是另一侧,则他们不会从经皮阿片类药物中获益,因此确定这种反应变异性是否可能是更广泛的问题是适当的。方法确定具有c的一般人群中这种情况的发生频率



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