首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Third World Medicine >Effect Of Ocimum Sanctum Leaf Extract On Swimming Stress Induced Ulcers In Rats

Effect Of Ocimum Sanctum Leaf Extract On Swimming Stress Induced Ulcers In Rats




Ocimum sanctum is a medicinal plant which has been used studied for various properties and used in various conditions.In the present study, ocimum sanctum was investigated for its effects against swimming stress induced ulcers in albino rats. The effects were compared with ranitidine. The leaf extract of ocimum sanctum showed significant antiulcer activity in the dose of 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg. The results were comparable to ranitidine though ranitidine was found to be more potent. Ocimum sanctum may be operating by antagonism of H2 receptors, by antisecretory mechanism or by antioxidant property as an antiulcer agent against stress induced gastric ulcers. Since this drug has been documented to have antiulcerogenic property earlier and has shown significant activity in the present study, more studies are required to explore its complete therapeutic usefulness. Introduction In our study we have used ocimum sanctum (Krishna Tulsi). It is commonly known as Tulsi in hindi and belongs to family Labiatae/Laminaceae. All parts of the plant are useful but leaves, seeds and roots are particularly of importance as medicinal agents. It is a hairy annual herb/undershrub of average height measuring 85 cms1,2. The leaf of ocimum sanctum is elliptical. The leaf powder is green brown in colour and gives an aromatic smell like cloves3 .The plant has been reported to possess various activities like antioxidant4,5,6 antiasthmatic7,8,9,10, antistress/adaptogenic11, antipyretic and antiinflammatory12, antiviral13, antibacterial14, insecticidal and antimalarial15,16, antifungal14. Ocimum sanctum has also been investigated for its antiulcer activity17,18,19,20. Since studies regarding its antiulcer property are limited, we decide to evaluate its activity against stress induced gastric ulcers and compare the results with ranitidine as no comparison has been done in the previous studies. Materials and Methods Animals Albino rats: Animals of either sex, weighing between 120-180 gm were used to study the effect on pyloric ligation induced gastric ulceration. All the animals were caged under standard conditions and were allowed to acclimatize to their surroundings for one week before subjecting them to experimentation. Prior to experimentation permission was taken from institutional ethical committee. Drugs and Chemicals Test drug: Fresh leaves of the plant ocimum sanctum were collected during the month of April from a local area in Sevagram and were shade dried and powdered. A hydroalcoholic (70% V/V) extract of this powdered form of ocimum sanctum was prepared. This extract was again shade dried and was used to prepare an aqueous solution in desired concentration just before use every time. The same extract was used for all the experiments. Ranitidine (Ranbaxy, India): It was diluted in distilled water to get the desired concentration. Method for swimming stress induced gastric ulcers in rats The animals were kept fasting for 24 hours but were allowed free access to water before the experiment. They were randomly divided into five groups of six animals each. Group I received distilled water (10ml/kg) orally and served as control whereas group II, III and IV were administered the test drug (ocimum sanctum) in doses of 50 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg respectively. The animals in group V were administered ranitidine (10 mg/kg) orally which served as standard for comparison. The rats were forced to swim after 30 minutes of drug treatment inside a vertical cylinder (height 40cms and diameter 20 cms) containing water upto 20cms height approximately. The height of the water column was so adjusted that the rats did not jump out of the cylinder. The temperature of the water was maintained at 28-290C. After 5 hours, the animals were sacrificed with an overdosage of ether anaesthesia. The stomach was taken out, cut open, ulcers were visualized and ulcer index was determined.Statistical analysisData were analyzed by Student’s t test. The value of t was calculat
机译:乌头圣殿是一种药用植物,已被研究用于各种性质,并在各种条件下使用。在本研究中,对圣殿乌头草研究了其对白化病大鼠游泳应激性溃疡的作用。将效果与雷尼替丁比较。圣殿叶子提取物在100 mg / kg和200 mg / kg的剂量下均显示出显着的抗溃疡活性。尽管发现雷尼替丁更有效,但结果与雷尼替丁相当。圣殿可以通过H2受体的拮抗作用,通过分泌机制或通过抗氧化特性作为抗应激剂来抵抗应激性胃溃疡。由于该药物已被证明具有更早的抗溃疡作用,并且在本研究中显示出显着的活性,因此需要更多的研究来探索其完整的治疗用途。引言在我们的研究中,我们使用了圣殿圣殿(Krishna Tulsi)。它在印地语中通常被称为图尔西(Tulsi),属于唇形目/唇形科。植物的所有部分都是有用的,但是叶,种子和根作为药物尤其重要。它是一种多毛的一年生草本植物/灌木,平均高度为85 cms1,2。圣殿的叶子是椭圆形的。叶粉呈绿色棕色,具有丁香3的芳香气味。据报道该植物具有多种活性,如抗氧化剂4、5、6,抗哮喘7、8、9、10,抗应激/致适应性11,退热和抗炎12,抗病毒13,抗菌14 ,杀虫和抗疟药15、16,抗真菌药14。还研究了圣皮圣殿的抗溃疡活性[17,18,19,20]。由于有关其抗溃疡特性的研究有限,我们决定评估其对应激性胃溃疡的活性,并将结果与​​雷尼替丁进行比较,因为以前的研究中未进行比较。材料和方法动物白化病大鼠:体重在120-180 gm之间的两性动物用于研究幽门结扎引起的胃溃疡的作用。将所有动物关在标准条件下,让它们适应环境一周,然后再进行实验。在进行实验之前,已获得机构伦理委员会的许可。药物和化学药品测试药物:4月间,从塞瓦格拉姆(Sevagram)的某个地方收集了圣殿植物的新鲜叶子,并进行了阴凉干燥和粉化。制备了这种圣殿粉末的水醇提取物(70%V / V)。将该提取物再次进行阴干,并在每次使用前将其用于制备所需浓度的水溶液。所有实验均使用相同的提取物。雷尼替丁(雷尼替丁,印度):用蒸馏水稀释至所需浓度。在大鼠中游泳应激性胃溃疡的方法将动物禁食24小时,但在实验前可自由饮水。他们被随机分为五组,每组六只动物。 I组口服蒸馏水(10ml / kg)作为对照,而II,III和IV组分别以50mg / kg,100mg / kg和200mg / kg的剂量施用测试药物(圣殿)。 V组的动物口服雷尼替丁(10mg / kg),作为比较的标准。在药物处理30分钟后,将大鼠强迫在垂直的圆柱体中游泳(高度40cms,直径20cms),该圆柱体中水的高度大约为20cms。调节水柱的高度,以使大鼠不会跳出圆柱体。水的温度保持在28-290℃。 5小时后,用过量的乙醚麻醉处死动物。取出胃,切开,可视化溃疡并确定溃疡指数。统计分析数据通过Student's t检验分析。 t的值计算



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