首页> 外文期刊>Upsala journal of medical sciences >What do people know about fertility? A systematic review on fertility awareness and its associated factors

What do people know about fertility? A systematic review on fertility awareness and its associated factors




Juliana Pedro ab* http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1959-4921 , Tania Brand?o c , Lone Schmidt d , Maria E. Costa ab & Mariana V. Martins ab http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6489-0290 a Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences , University of Porto , Porto , Portugal ; b Centre for Psychology , University of Porto , Porto , Portugal ; c Centre for Research in Psychology (CIP-UAL), Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa , Lisboa , Portugal ; d Department of Public Health , University of Copenhagen , Copenhagen , Denmark Juliana Pedro , MS Psychology, is a PhD student at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of University of Porto (FPCEUP) and researcher at the Centre for Psychology at University of Porto (CPUP), Portugal. Her research within health psychology has been focused on fertility education and reproductive goals, promotion of reproductive health literacy and psychosocial consequences of infertility. She is also Deputy of the ESHRE Psychology and Counselling Special Interest Group. Tania Brand?o, MS Psychology, PhD, is Professor at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa Luís de Cam?es (UAL), and researcher at the Center for Research in Psychology (CIP) and the Centre for Psychology at University of Porto (CPUP), Portugal. Her research within clinical and health psychology focuses on relational and emotional factors involved in the process of adaptation to chronic diseases. Lone Schmidt , DMSci, PhD, MD, is a Professor and researcher at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health, Section of Social Medicine, Denmark. Her research interests within the field of public health are: infertility, assisted reproduction, prevention of infertility, and family formation. She contributes to put prevention of infertility on the public and health policy agenda and she is the principal investigator and responsible to established The Copenhagen Multi-centre Psychosocial Infertility (COMPI) Research Group. Maria E. Costa , PhD, is a Full Professor at Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of University of Porto (FPCEUP) and researcher at the Centre for Psychology at University of Porto (CPUP), Portugal. She is the Coordinator of the scientific committee in FPCEUP. Mariana V. Martins , MS Psychology, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of University of Porto (FPCEUP), and researcher at the CPUP, Portugal. Her research within reproductive health has been focused on protective and risk factors that can influence the couple's relationship and decisions through fertility care, gestational loss and family formation. She is the coordinator of the ESHRE Psychology and Counselling Special Interest Group and a member of the ESHRE Fertility Awareness Working Group. Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here . CONTACT Juliana Pedro juliana@fpce. up. pt Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences , University of Porto , R. Alfredo Allen , 4200-135 Porto , Portugal Introduction: Recent evidence indicates that reproductive-age people have inadequate fertility awareness (FA) concerning fertility, infertility risk factors, and consequences of delaying childbearing. However, no study has tried to summarize these studies and to clarify the variables associated with FA, namely the role of gender, age, education, and reproductive status on FA. Methods: A literature search up to February 2017 was conducted using the EBSCO, Web of Science, Scielo, and Scopus electronic databases with combinations of keywords and MeSH terms (e.g. ‘awareness’ OR ‘health knowledge, attitudes, practice’ AND ‘fertility’; ‘fertile period’; ‘assisted reprod*’). Results: Seventy-one articles met the eligibility criteria and were included. The main results showed that participants report low-to-moderate FA. Higher levels of FA were shown by women, highly educated individuals, people who reported difficulties with conceiving, and those who had planned their pregnancies. Having or desiring to have children was not related to FA level. An inconsistent association between study participant age and FA was observed, with some studies indicating that older participants had higher FA, but others found an opposite result or did not find any association. Conclusion: The current findings suggest that interventions to increase FA are warranted, especially those targeting men, people with low education, and in family planning settings. Interventions and campaigns should be customized to meet individuals’ needs regarding FA. Because of the high heterogeneity regarding the assessment of FA, these conclusions must be interpreted with caution.
机译:朱莉安娜·佩德罗(Juliana Pedro) a b * http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1959-4921,Tania Brand?o c ,Lone Schmidt d ,Maria E. Costa a b 和Mariana V. Martins a < sup> b http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6489-0290 a 葡萄牙波尔图大学心理与教育科学学院,波尔图;葡萄牙波尔图大学 b 心理学中心; c 葡萄牙里斯本自治大学心理学研究中心(CIP-UAL); d 哥本哈根大学公共卫生系,丹麦哥本哈根朱莉安娜·佩德罗,心理学硕士,是波尔图大学心理与教育科学学院(FPCEUP)的博士研究生,并且是该中心的研究员葡萄牙波尔图大学(CPUP)心理学专业。她在健康心理学方面的研究一直集中在生育教育和生殖目标,促进生殖健康素养和不孕症的社会心理后果方面。她还是ESHRE心理学和咨询特殊兴趣小组的副主席。 Tania Brand?o,心理学硕士,现任里斯本大学路易·德·卡梅斯大学(UAL)教授,心理学研究中心(CIP)和波尔图大学心理学中心(CPUP)研究员,葡萄牙。她在临床和健康心理学领域的研究重点在于与慢性病适应过程有关的关系和情感因素。 Lone Schmidt,DMSci,博士,医学博士,丹麦哥本哈根大学社会医学系公共卫生系教授和研究员。她在公共卫生领域的研究兴趣是:不孕症,辅助生殖,预防不孕症和家庭形成。她致力于将预防不孕症纳入公共和卫生政策议程,并且是主要研究人员,并负责建立哥本哈根多中心心理社会不育症(COMPI)研究小组。 Maria E. Costa博士是波尔图大学心理学和教育科学学院(FPCEUP)的全职教授,并且是葡萄牙波尔图大学(CPUP)心理学中心的研究员。她是FPCEUP科学委员会的协调员。 Mariana V. Martins,心理学硕士,博士,是波尔图大学心理与教育科学学院(FPCEUP)的助理教授,也是葡萄牙CPUP的研究员。她在生殖健康方面的研究一直集中在保护和危险因素上,这些因素可以通过生育保健,妊娠流产和家庭形成影响夫妻的关系和决策。她是ESHRE心理学和咨询特殊兴趣小组的协调员,也是ESHRE生育意识工作小组的成员。可以在此处访问本文的补充数据。联系人Juliana Pedro juliana @ fpce。向上。 pt波尔图大学心理与教育科学学院,阿尔弗雷多·艾伦(R. Alfredo Allen),4200-135,葡萄牙波尔图简介:最新证据表明,育龄人群对生育力,不孕风险因素以及生育后果的认识不足。延迟生育。但是,没有研究试图总结这些研究并阐明与FA相关的变量,即性别,年龄,教育程度和生殖状况对FA的作用。方法:使用EBSCO,Web of Science,Scielo和Scopus电子数据库,结合关键词和MeSH术语(例如“意识”或“健康知识,态度,习惯”和“生育力”),进行文献检索,直至2017年2月;“生育期”;“辅助生殖*”)。结果:71篇符合条件的文章被纳入。主要结果表明,参与者报告的FA偏低至中等。妇女,受过高等教育的个人,报告受孕困难的人以及计划怀孕的人显示出较高的FA水平。有或希望有孩子与FA水平无关。观察到研究参与者的年龄与FA之间存在不一致的关联,有些研究表明年龄较大的参与者具有更高的FA,但是其他研究则发现相反的结果或没有发现任何关联。结论:目前的发现表明增加FA的干预是有必要的,特别是针对男性,低学历人群和计划生育人群的干预。应定制干预措施和活动,以满足个人对FA的需求。由于FA评估的异质性很高,因此必须谨慎解释这些结论。



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