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Can Psychotherapists Improve Help Seeking Behavior: A Case Study of Accra Polytechnic Students




The aim of this study was to find out if psychotherapists could improve help seeking behavior. The research instruments used were validated and standardized instruments, namely, the General Help Seeking Questionnaire-Vignette (GHSQ-V) and the Actual Help Seeking Questionnaire (AHSQ). These instruments were used to measure the participants' general help seeking intentions and actual help seeking behavior respectively. A demographic questionnaire was also used to determine the demographic variables of the participants. The population for this research was students who had been enrolled in Accra Polytechnic, in the Republic of Ghana. A repeated measures design was used to evaluate an invention procedure involving the use of psychotherapeutic strategies to improve help seeking intentions and behavior. It was hypothesized that participants will have an increase in their help seeking intentions and report more help seeking behavior after the intervention. The study's hypotheses were analyzed with the Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Singed-Rank (T) Test with the aid of the version 17 of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS V 17). The results indicated that psychotherapists could improve help seeking behavior. The limitations and implications of the study are then discussed. Areas for further research are also recommended.
机译:这项研究的目的是找出心理治疗师是否可以改善寻求行为的帮助。所使用的研究工具经过验证和标准化,即一般帮助咨询问卷-小插图(GHSQ-V)和实际帮助咨询问卷(AHSQ)。这些工具分别用于衡量参与者的一般求助意图和实际求助行为。人口统计学调查表还用于确定参与者的人口统计学变量。这项研究的对象是已加入加纳共和国阿克拉理工学院的学生。重复措施设计用于评估一项发明程序,其中涉及使用心理治疗策略来改善寻求意图和行为的帮助。据推测,干预后参与者寻求帮助的意愿会增加,并报告更多寻求帮助的行为。这项研究的假设在《社会科学统计软件包》(SPSS V 17)第17版的帮助下,通过Wilcoxon配对-成对排名(T)检验进行了分析。结果表明,心理治疗师可以改善寻求行为的帮助。然后讨论了这项研究的局限性和意义。还建议进一步研究的领域。



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