首页> 外文期刊>Psychology >Psychological Well-Being, Self-Reported Physical Activity Levels, and Attitudes to Physical Activity in a Sample of New Zealand Adolescent Females

Psychological Well-Being, Self-Reported Physical Activity Levels, and Attitudes to Physical Activity in a Sample of New Zealand Adolescent Females




Physical activity (PA) is a key component of healthy development, not only physically but also psychologically. The aim of the present study was to measure PA levels and psychological well-being in adolescent females using a cross-sectional design, and to investigate the relationship between the two. Psychological well-being (self esteem and lack of depression, anxiety, and stress), PA, and established predictors of PA from the Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975; Madden, Ellen, & Ajzen, 1992; health consciousness, significant others, priority, perceived barriers, and attitudes) were measured using 148 adolescent females aged 16 to 18 years. Results show a link between depression and level of PA, and between anxiety and PA. Attitudes towards PA, priority of PA, and perceived barriers to PA were also related to levels of PA. However, there were no significant associations between psychological well-being and attitudes towards PA, even though psychological well-being may influence the actual level of activity. Positive associations between PA and psychological well-being in adolescent females encourage future studies into causal relationships between the two. The most effective strategies for increasing PA in middle to late adolescent females may be targeting perceived barriers to PA rather than attitudes.
机译:身体活动(PA)是健康发展的重要组成部分,不仅在身体上,而且在心理上。本研究的目的是使用横断面设计测量青春期女性的PA水平和心理健康状况,并研究两者之间的关系。心理健康(自尊,没有抑郁,焦虑和压力感),PA,以及根据理性行动理论建立的PA预测指标(Fishbein和Ajzen,1975; Madden,Ellen和Ajzen,1992;健康意识,使用148位年龄在16至18岁之间的青春期女性来衡量其他重要因素(优先级,感知障碍和态度)。结果显示抑郁与PA水平之间存在联系,而焦虑与PA之间存在联系。对PA的态度,PA的优先级以及对PA的感知障碍也与PA的水平有关。然而,尽管心理健康可能会影响实际活动水平,但心理健康与对PA的态度之间没有显着关联。青春期女性的PA与心理健康之间的正相关性鼓励了对这两者之间因果关系的进一步研究。增加中青年女性PA的最有效策略可能是针对感知的PA障碍而不是态度。



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