首页> 外文期刊>Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar: Current Approaches in Psychiatry >Eri?kin Dikkat Eksikli?i Hiperaktivite Bozuklu?u: N?robiyoloji, Tan? Sorunlar? ve Klinik ?zellikler [Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Neurobiology, Diagnostic Problems and Clinical Features]

Eri?kin Dikkat Eksikli?i Hiperaktivite Bozuklu?u: N?robiyoloji, Tan? Sorunlar? ve Klinik ?zellikler [Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Neurobiology, Diagnostic Problems and Clinical Features]




Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic, lifelong neurobeha-vioral disorder with childhood-onset, which seriously impairs the affected adults in a variety of daily living functions like academic, social and occupational functioning. Prevalence of ADHD declines with age in the general population. The approximate prevalence rates of ADHD is 8% in childhood, 6% in adolescence and 4% in adulthood. The unclear validity of DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for this condition can lead to reduced prevalence rates by underestimation of the prevalence of adult ADHD. The disorder is characterized by behavioral symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity across the life cycle and is associated with considerable morbidity and disability. Although its etiology remains unclear, considerable evidence documents its strong neurobiological and genetic underpinnings. ADHD is associated with a high percentage of comorbid psychiatric disorders in every lifespan. In adulthood between 65-89% of all patients with ADHD suffer from one or more additional psychiatric disorders, above all mood and anxiety disorders, substance use disorders and personality disorders, which complicate the clinical picture in terms of diagnostics, treatment and outcome issues. The high comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders, the resulting deficits in social competences and risky health behavior that often go along with a diminished life quality must be stressed in these patients. Preventive and therapeutic interventions should be taken at an early stage to counteract the possible negative influences of ADHD on functioning and relationships. In this paper, we reviewed the historical aspects, epidemiology, neurobiology, comorbidity, diagnostic difficulties and clinical features of adult ADHD.
机译:注意缺陷/多动障碍(ADHD)是一种慢性,终生的神经行为性疾病,伴有儿童期发作,严重损害了受影响的成年人的各种日常生活功能,如学术,社会和职业功能。在一般人群中,ADHD的患病率随着年龄的增长而下降。儿童多动症的患病率大约为8%,青春期为6%,成人为4%。 DSM-IV诊断标准对该病的有效性尚不清楚,可通过低估成人ADHD的患病率来降低患病率。该疾病的特征是在整个生命周期中出现注意力不集中,活动过度和冲动的行为症状,并伴有相当大的发病率和残疾。尽管其病因尚不清楚,但大量证据证明了其强大的神经生物学和遗传学基础。在每个生命周期中,ADHD与高比例的合并症精神病相关。在成年期,所有多动症患者中有65-89%患有一种或多种其他精神疾病,尤其是情绪和焦虑症,物质使用障碍和人格障碍,这使诊断,治疗和结局问题的临床情况复杂化。在这些患者中,必须强调与其他精神疾病的高合并症,社交能力的缺陷和危险的健康行为(通常伴随着生活质量的下降)。应及早采取预防和治疗性干预措施,以抵消ADHD对功能和关系的可能负面影响。在本文中,我们回顾了成人多动症的历史,流行病学,神经生物学,合并症,诊断困难和临床特征。



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