首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Educacao Fisica e Esporte >A cobertura esportiva dos Jogos Olímpicos de Londres 2012: a tematiza??o do 'doping' no portal de notícias G1

A cobertura esportiva dos Jogos Olímpicos de Londres 2012: a tematiza??o do 'doping' no portal de notícias G1




The issues about doping are frequently in media, mainly during sports mega events such as Olympic Games. Famous athletes like Ben Johnson (Seoul 1988) and Marion Jones (Sydney 2000) were banished by sports organizations, and their career had declined forever. This research aims to study news about doping in an important Brazilian news website during London 2012 Olympic Games, named G1. In so doing that, all the news were selected and categorized from July 25 to August 13 2012 by the following key words: doping and London 2012 Olympic Games. One hundred and ninety one news were identifi ed, but only 145 were related to Olympic Games. Fifty four were found in the website newspaper called "Extra Online", 37 in "Globo Esporte", 23 in "G1", 22 in "O Globo" and 9 in "época" magazine. The theoretical reference chosen to read news carefully and deeply was the Content Analysis. Two categories emerged from analysis: a) the doubts about the high sport performance of some athletes; b) the necessary punishments to "positive athlete exams". The conclusions point out that media treats athletes like cheaters. It also identifi es World Antidoping Agency (WADA) as an "international police" in a permanent fi ght against doping. This kind of thoughts is very similar to war against drugs, and it makes all the efforts to control athletes and their performances.
机译:掺杂问题经常出现在媒体上,主要是在大型体育赛事中,例如奥运会。像本·约翰逊(Boul Johnson,1988年汉城)和马里恩·琼斯(Marion Jones,2000年,悉尼)这样的著名运动员被体育组织放逐,他们的职业生涯永远都在衰退。这项研究旨在在2012年伦敦奥运会期间,在一个重要的巴西新闻网站G1中研究有关兴奋剂的新闻。这样一来,所有新闻从2012年7月25日至8月13日按以下关键词进行选择和分类:兴奋剂和2012年伦敦奥运会。确定了191条新闻,但只有145条与奥运会有关。在名为“ Extra Online”的网站报纸上找到了54个,在“ Globo Esporte”中找到了37个,在“ G1”中找到了23个,在“ O Globo”中找到了22个,在“época”杂志中找到了9个。选择要仔细而深入地阅读新闻的理论参考是内容分析。分析得出两类:a)对某些运动员的高运动表现的怀疑; b)对“积极运动员考试”的必要惩罚。结论指出,媒体对待运动员就像作弊者。它还将世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)认定为永久性反对兴奋剂的“国际警察”。这种思想与反毒品斗争非常相似,它为控制运动员及其行为做出了一切努力。



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